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I shiver myself awake after about an hour, I think, and climb out of the cool bath, wrapping a soft grey towel around my body. I check the time, half 6. I change quickly and run down to the office to see if Tom and Zack have found anything.

Tom sees me approaching and rubs his neck nervously. Not good news then I'm guessing.

Y: Anything?

Z: I'm afraid not Miss. We thought we had found something but, turned out just to be a safe of worthless jewellery.

Y: Ok, keep looking.

Tom pulls me to the side and rubs up and down my arm, seeing I was clearly stressing out.

T: We will find it, it's not going to just turn up on a plate though, it'll take time.

Y: Tom, I know.

T: Stop stressing then.

Y: Telling me not to stress isn't going to stop me from stressing.

T: Really? Thought it'd work to be fair.

Y: Dick head.

I roll my eyes at his sarcasm as he just smirks to himself, clearly feeling proud of the fact that he is irritating me.

T: Let's go watch a film in bed, will that make you feel better?

Y: How are you so calm about all of this?

T: Because I know that we can do this.

Y: How?

T: Well, one, because I'm good at my job and two, you're the best leader we could have. I trust you with this.

I look up at him in awe, feeling blessed to have him in my life, no matter how annoying he is.

T: Now, come on. Let's go watch that film.

Y: Okay...

He follows me up the stairs to our room and dives onto the bed. I change into just a bralette and a pair of comfy shorts as Tom changes into shorts, leaving his beautiful abs visible to my gawping face. I smile to myself as I avert my eyes to the tv, flicking through Netflix to pick a film.

Y: Extraction?

T: Seriously? You watched that literally three days ago.

I stare at him with puppy eyes as I stand at the end of the bed, he just crosses his arms and sighs.

T: Fine.

I grin and turn it on, jumping next to him as I wrap his arm round my waist. Not 30 minutes into the film, I begin to trace his abs with my index finger, my head placed on his chest listening to his heart beat. He strokes my waist, and I shiver comfortably at the connection. I brush my leg onto his and I hear his heart rate increase, smiling, I look up at him as he clears his throat looking a little embarrassed.

Y: Has Mr Tom Holland gone all shy on me?

T: Shut up.

He flips me over and hovers over me, instantly smashing his lips on mine, clearly trying to prove his dominance to me. To keep it PG... I couldn't possibly tell you what happens next, but you can only imagine.



I wake up to find Tom snoring next to me, his hand around my waist. Trying not to wake him up, because he needs the sleep, I gently crawl out from under him and tiptoe to the bathroom. I freshen up and creep out of the room to check on my men downstairs.

Y: Morning guys.

Z: Morning Miss.

M: Morning.

H: Hey Y/N.

Y: Anything?

Z: Actually, yes. We think we may have located a safe that might be what we are looking for.

Y: Holy shit, really?

I run to Zack and sit on the chair next to him, waves of excitement hitting me. Zack pulls up a location about an hour away from us, perfect.

Y: Where is it?

Z: Good news, it's not too far, bad news... it's in the centre of London. It's going to be hard to take with the amount of people around.

Y: We'll go today.

H: What? Y/N, are you mad?

Y: Harrison, we have to be the first to get it.

H: Have you not thought that maybe Z already knew what the codes are for and that there might be a reason for why she hasn't taken it yet?

Y: She might not know what they're for though!

H: And if we get it, then what? We don't have the codes, and Z will probably come after it.

Y: Then we need to be clever about this, and be ready for anything.

H: Where's Tom? He should have a say in this.

Y: He's sleeping, maybe it's best to do this without him. He'd only try and stop me anyway.

H: No way, I'm not doing this without him. Neither are you.

I stand up and come face to face with Harrison as he looks down at me with a serious tilt of his head. It's clear to me that I won't get Harrison to help me without Tom, so, me being impatient, I decide to do it without either of them knowing. I walk out of the office with a huff and grab a quick breakfast bar from the kitchen, planning in my head what I am going to do.

The current time being 8:00, Tom will probably be asleep for another hour or so, so, I need to plan it all before then. This is probably such a stupid idea, but I can't wait any longer. Tom will understand, right?

MY BODYGUARD- THE SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now