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I've been up for about an hour now, the time is 9:00. I woke up to a lovely Tom handing me a cup of tea and some toast and now I am just cleaning the kitchen, waiting for Zendaya, Alex, Matt and Zack to arrive to tell them that they're all about to get 4 million pounds each.

I thought it would only be fair to split the money between the 7 of us main members, given how much we worked for it.

Ze: Hey, I just let myself in, I hope you don't mind. You don't really have a front door right now anyway.

She was right, we still haven't mended it. Luckily our house is guarded and safely protected so I haven't worried too much about it.

Y: Yeah, we've not really had time. It's good to see you Z.

She looks at me sympathetically before pulling me into a hug. I appreciate her comfort and smile gratefully as we both sit at the table and I pour her and myself a glass of champagne. Yes, I know it's early, but I need it.

Y: We've got some good news, but we need to wait for the others before we say anything.
Ze: Ooh exciting. Okay.


We wait another 30 minutes, just talking and laughing in the kitchen with each other, before Tom walks in with Harrison, Zack, Matt and Alex. I stand up from the table and stand by Tom, grinning uncontrollably.

A: Okay I can't take the anticipation any longer... what is it?!
Y: So... We have moved 4 million pounds into each of your accounts!
M: You got the money ?!
T: Hell yeah we did!
H: Spend it wisely divs.

Everyone cheers and hugs one another before finally settling down for the next bit of news.

Y: Next thing though, we are going to take down the rest of Noah's men. When we transferred the money from his bank, we found an address.
H: We don't think he has many men left, and the ones that are still alive, are in hiding, and have no families to run to.
Ze: Pretty perfect if you ask me. Hopefully everything will run smoothly and when we are done, we can finally celebrate.

I nod my head in agreement. It will be great when we finally finish this mission, and then we can get on with our lives a bit more. Maybe, who knows, me and Tom may think of actually getting married. Marriage has come up in conversations a couple of times, but never as a serious conversation. Anyway, we'll see...

T: Okay, we will go tonight. Let's not waste any time. The sooner it's done, the sooner we can relax.

Everyone nods in understanding and we all get ready. Me and Zendaya grab a couple of pistols from the armoury and throw on some bullet proof vests, which I grab more of to take upstairs for everyone else. I'm taking no more risks with my friends. By the time it reaches 6 o'clock, we are ready and everything is planned out.

The address we need to go to is fairly hidden so we don't need to wait until midnight to attack. Which is good because I can't wait any longer, the nerves are eating me from the inside out.


We pull up just a few minutes down the road from the hidden house and creep our way round the back. Like any mission, we stay alert and wary of our surroundings. As we approach the back door, we hear a television blasting inside. Obviously they aren't aware of our presence. Good.

Without any hesitation, all seven of us barge through the door and ambush the rest of Noah's guys. They are all caught off guard so none of them manage to grab their guns in time. The ambush ended pretty quickly, and we clear out just as quick.

As we begin to arrive home, I take a glance at Tom as he's driving, he looks back at me with a gentle smile. For the first time in a while, I feel like I can now concentrate on our relationship, and taking it further.

Everyone piles back into the house and we all slump onto the sofas in the lounge. I explain to them all that they can move back in to their individual rooms here, wanting them to be here for any future missions or jobs.

Y: I want you all to know how proud I am of you all. You have made me feel welcome as your boss and I'm so thankful for all of your help. I'm not going to be too soppy cause that's just cringe...

They all laugh and I laugh with them, feeling like I've done them proud as their leader.

M: This job isn't easy, but I wouldn't stand by any one else's side. Thank you Y/N.
Everyone: To Y/N!

They all cheer and I find myself blushing with proudness and happiness. I thought being a mafia leader would make me crumble, but it's only made me stronger, and with these brilliant people helping me, life only goes up from here.

MY BODYGUARD- THE SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now