Chapter Five - Hunt

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I tighten the grip around the armrests as the plane takes off. Sheesh, this is scary. An old woman looks at me. I try to smile, but I don't think it works. She puts her hand over mine. "It's alright", she says in English. I'm not so used to hear other people talk English. I calm my breath as the plane slowly straightens. "I'm Olivia", the old woman says. I smile and let go of the armrest before introducing myself. "Nadya", I say. She gives me a soothing smile. I smile back. She turns to her TV and turns it on. We are supposed to be here for 7 hours, and then I am going to take another plane for 7 hours. The stopover is in Frankfurt. I turn on my TV, plug the earphones in, and watch a movie. Watch in movies in black and white isn't so fun, but it works. I put on a new movie called "Fury". The waitress goes by, but I don't need anything and shake my head nicely. She just smiles and continues. Her clothes are like the other flight attendant. Blue skirt, white shirt and a blue coat. Oh, and red lipstick. I keep on watching the movie until my eyes gets heavy. Then I turn off the TV, make myself comfortable and sleep.


The man in the back talks into his earpiece. "Has she shown any suspicion?" he asks quietly. "Nothing yet". The other person is three seats to the right of the lady, who is currently sleeping. "She made contact with an old lady", the person in the front adds. "OK, but keep an eye out", he waits for an answer before he plugs in an earphone and continues his movie. "Yes, sir", he hears.


"Ladies and Gentlemen, I am happy to announce to you that we have landed safely in Frankfurt. You may take off your seat belt, but pleas be seated until the plane has totally stopped. It is currently 24 degrees Celcius outside and the time is 10:27 AM in Romania, but still 09:27 in Germany. thank you". The belt sign stops lighting with a tinng. The old lady shakes me a bit, just to make sure I'm awake. I open my eyes. She smiles when she sees I'm awake and I smile back at her. I pack my stuff together. I'm half asleep when I walk off the plane and in to the airport. The happy flight attendants say goodbye in the end of the tunnel. I smile at then and give them a thankful nod. The next flight leaves in about three hours. Perfect. I can go sightseeing. Just a bit. I check my luggage in to the other plane and leave the airport. Before leaving I check if I have all my personal belongings inside. Yep, it is all there. My passport, ticket and wallet. I breathe in the German Air as I walk out of the airport. It smells a bit more like a city here. Back at home, there was more green. I look at the people greeting picked up and dropped off by their loved once. Some are crying, some are crying and some are angry. I walk over the tracks and walk towards the city. So, this is what a vecation is like.

After looking through most of the city I head back to the airport. My stomach if filled. I ate some icecream and a burger on the way back. I smile as I see more people getting dropped off. It makes me think about Jacob. He woke up in the middle of the night just to drop me off. I miss him, and my friends. I have not been away from them since I moved out from my aunt. About 5 years ago. We always stick together. We don't let boys get in our way. I liked our friendship. It was strong, we were unbreakable. I think about all the times our friendships were put to the test as I walk through the security. I head towards the gate where the boarding is about to start. Next flight, here we go, I think as I bord the next plane.


The man in black had followed her through the whole city, now he needed to rest. How did she walk so much? "Nothing", the man says trying to catch his breath. "She just went on the plane". "Follow", he hears from his earpiece. That's all. Follow.


Google maps told that it was about half an hour with cab from the airport to the compound. That was where the avengers were. In the middle of the big apple. Easy to find them, even for enemies. I step out of the cab. "Thank You", I say to him and hand him the money. He smiles, nods and drives away. I take a deep breath. The building is huge. It has an big A on the top. Probably for Avenger og Avengers. The building is mostly grey with a lot of glass windows. I find my identity card that Jacob gave me. It has I ugly picture of me on it, and my full name. Nadya Guseva is written in black over a big ROMANIA INSIDER. Other than that the card is blank. There is nothing on the backside. I put the card around my neck and start walking towards the building. I thought I could get to know them a bit before our big interview. I drag my heavy luggage with me over the street and drop outside the door. I sigh, Here we go.


The man watched a woman step out of a yellow cab and he'd toward the compound. "Fase one is complete", his companion looked at him as he spoke into the earpiece, then back at the woman. "Good, now initiate fase 2". The voice was creepier, but happier. Just a bit.

Hey gyus. Thank you so much for reading. I know its been a while since I wrote. I have been a bit busy, but I try my best. Leave a comment, or maby a like.

Life is precious❤️ Handle with care

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