Chapter Sixteen - Dark Red Book

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The moment the door closes and our lips touch is intense. It's like we have been wanting this for so long. I mean, I have. Since all my friends finding their soul mates without me finding mine, I kind of felt like I didn't belong. But now I have Bucky, cause he is the one I'm choosing. Steve is too popular, but bucky could blend in anywhere. I can feel Bucky's hands on my body. One is holding my neck/face and the other is at my back, pulling me closer. I feel like I'm in a dream, and all I want to do is be with Bucky. I try to focus on his blue bubble to see is he feels the same way. "Beautiful... Don't stop", is all I can get from his head. Then it feels like we're synchronised, as I jump up, he pushes me again the wall. With my legs wrapped around Bucky's hips and my hands around his neck, I want time to go slower than ever. As we keep on kissing, I can feel his tounge trying to enter my mouth. I let is pass and we tounge kiss like crazy. I have actually never kissed someone before. It just seems to come naturally. He pushes us away from the wall and towards his bed.

As I land on his bed with him over me, something else jumps up from his bed and on to the ground. He immediately pulls away and picks it up. He looks sad when he looks at it. "What is it", I say, catching my breath. "It's... A book", he answers. "What so you mean, what's in the book?", I ask, trying not to push any buttons. "It's...", he sighs and sist down beside me. "It's a book where I write all the people I killed as the Winter Solider", he says sadly. "Oh", I say as I sut up and put my hand in his to comfort him. It feels like he doesn't want it to bee there, but he doesn't push it away. "Can I see? ", I ask. He sighs, hands me the book and plants his face in his hands. Before I open the book, I try reading his mind. "Killed... Bad person", all is dark and sad in his mind. I look at the book, its dark red and small. I open up and see lists, on almost every page. The names are written with  only a letter from the first name, and the whole surname. I read a name in my mind. B. Gregory. I quickly run through all the pages, to see how many there are filled, without bothering to read them all. I notice that some of the names are lined over, or crossed out, but I don't bother asking why. "How... How long were you The Winter Solider?" I ask sad, from all the names on the lists. "50 years", he muffles with his face still buried in his hands.

I keep on looking at the names in the books. "Why did you kill all these people?", I ask Bucky. Hi sighs, looks at me and says, "I was H.Y.D.R.A's doll. Whatever they wanted me to do, I did,including killing a lot of people", he is so sad and I feel so sorry for him. I close the book and open on a new page, but the names that catch my eye this time, makes me loose control of my body. The book falls on the ground, which makes Bucky look up from his palms. He looks worried at me. "What's wrong?", he asks. My breath gets heavy and I feel dizzy. Suddenly I stand up. I don't even know what my body does. It stands up from the bed, stands across bucky, which is looking wierdly and worried at me, then my arm flies and my hand hits Bucky's face. He immediately takes his hand to his chin, where I just hit him and looks kind of angry on me. Then a tear runs down my chin. Followed by many more. Then I storm out his bedroom, through his living room, and out the door. I can hear him screaming my name after me, but I can't listen. The names in the book are clear as day in my head. J. Guseva and L. Guseva. My parents.

I walk crying towards my apartment, because I don't know what else to do. I am also still drunk, so my emotions are extra heightend. I remove the tears from my face with my hand and walk fast towards the elevator. It seems like my powers are out of control when my emotion is hightened. I can hear everyone's thoughts from upstairs. My mind starts hurting. I take my hand to my head. I start to feel dizzy, so I look for a wall, but I can't find anything to lean on, so I fall to the ground. Slowly my sight gets blurred out and all I can see is a black silhouette walking towards me. Then all turns black, but I can still feel the pain of all the thoughts. I feel someone picking me up, and then I black out.


It seems that The Winter Solider almost did the work for the man waiting some hallways away, with his eyes locked on  his door. The girl comes out, but not happy, as he thought he would, but sad. She is crying. Then she takes her hand to her head, falls on the ground, ad blacks out. The man walks over, picks her up and takes the elevator down to the back door. He knows that the security is down because everyone is at the party. He loads the girl into his truck, ties her up and tapes her mouth. Then he starts driving, away from everyone Nadya has ever known. The man gets a phone call. "Good", it is the boss. "Bring her to your place, keep her there til you get what you need", the voice says. Then the call ends.


Thanks you so much for reading. I hope you like the story,scince you are reading. Well thank you for reading 16 parts. I hope you can leave a comment, or a like. Thanks again.


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