Chapter Thirty Seven - Drama Queen

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When my eyes finally opened the next day, Bucky was already gone. I could hear the shower running from the bathroom. I looked around. I never really had any time to look around at Bucky's dorm. It was mostly black and grey. The opposite of mine, which was white and pink and some other colours. My clothes were folded together in a pile at a side table not far from me. Embarrassed of still being naked in my soulmate bed, I quickly start to det dressed.

Bucky comes out of the bathroom, which by the way steams after him, in only a towel. I blush as I am in the middle of wearing my red dress from yesterday. "Morning", he says calmly. I don't answer. I'm too red and I'm afraid the butterflies will fill the room if I open my mouth. "What, you lost your voice after yesterday?", Bucky comments and smirks. I shake my head, fluttered by seeing his fit body once more. It never gets old.

"The team will be here in twenty", Bucky informs me. I nod. He looks at me and smiles. "You really have lost your voice haven't you?", he laughs. "No", I squeek. Then we both laugh at how ridiculous my voice sounds. I stand up from the bed, fully dressed in my big red dress, and don't know what to do. Bucky grabs some clothes from his closet and gets dressed. I turn around as he does so.

I turn to the windows as bucky's towel slips off and the clothes come on. He has a beautiful view from his bedroom window. I can see the cars in the long lines down on the road and the tour busses driving with a bunch of tourists on them. It's peaceful to watch all the chaos. I actually think I should get changed too. In some more regular and comfortable clothes.

"I think I should change before the rest arrives", I say. This time in a mote normal tone. I turn around as I know he is done. He looks at me from top to bottom when I turn around. "What", I smile. His face turns into a big smile. "Nothing. Just had to see you in that dress one more time". I shake my head. What a romantic man.

I walk to the out door with my heels in one hand and push the door-opening-button. The door slides open. An empty corridors meets me. I'll have to walk all alone, to my room. I suddenly don't want to leave bucky's side. But still I take a deep breath.

I am about to step out when something grabs me and pulls me back. My stomach flips when I'm suddenly five centimeters from Buck's lips, looking him in the eyes. "No goodbye kiss for me?", he grins. I don't say anything. Just lean in and embrace him and his lips enough to survive until we touch again.

I look like a mess. I realize that when I come home. The little make up that I put on, is all over my face and my hair looks like it belongs to a troll. My dress is all wrinkly too. I decide to shower after realising there is still 15 minutes until the rest of the team shows.

As the warm water from the shower hits my body, I think about yesterday. I have to call Nicole and thank him. His car was gone this morning, so he must have gone back home. I wash my body and dry it before wearing a black shirt and a pair of white trousers. I want something comfy.

The plain lands a few seconds after I enter the roof. Bucky is already up there. He smiles as I walk up to him. "How you doing?", he asks. I nod. "Good", I reply. The plain touches down and the doors open.

First some agents come out. All black suits and glasses. Then Tony and Clint come out together. Bruce and Nat follow after them out of the plane. I start walking towards her. "Hey", I say as we meet halfway. Nat stops in front of me, while Bruce continues in. We nod shortly as he walks past. "How was the mission", I ask excited. "Easy", Nat brushes off her shoulders and laughs. I laugh with her.

As we walk in, I see Bucky and Steve talking. They look towards me with a worried look as I and Nat walk by. What now? Why does Steve always have to cause drama?

When we reach Nat's door, she opens it. She throws the bag on her shoulders in her bedroom and lays down on the red couch in the living room. Her dorm is much like mine. Just different colours. And it is a lot cleaner than my dorm too. I remember being impressed first time I saw her dorm. It was so clean.

Shortly after Nat jumps on the couch and I walk in with the rest of her stuff from the ship, I hear snoring sounds. They are coming from Nat. I laugh scilently. She must be really tired.

I let her sleep and start walking over to the kitchen. I want breakfast. I can smell something amazing as I enter the huge kitchen. Bucky is behind the stove, cooking something delicious.

"I'll have one too. Whatever your making", I say as I walk in. Bucky turns and nods to tell that he has noted my order. No smile this time. What has happened? I don't think so much about it and walk over to Steve, who is sitting at the dining table waiting for food.

"Soooooo", I try to start a conversation as I sit down beside him. I can only see the back of his head, because he is facing bucky. "Heloooo", I say after he doesn't answer me. I sit in silence a little while. What's wrong with him? "Earth to Steve", I say and woggle my arm in front of his face. "What's wrong?".

As I ask him, he turns. It's so sudden, that I am about to fall of the chair. "What is wrong?", he asks back with an angry but calm voice. "Yeah", Im starting to get irritated. Why is he showing so much attitude? What have I done?

"Can you please just choose?", he asks. His voice is more sad now. Chose? Choose what? I don't understand. I wrinkle my face, to tell him I didn't understand his question. "Between me and Bucky", he explains. "You just keep on playing with our emotions, and we both love you, but why can't you just choose one of us? Set the other free?", he looks down at the table and plays with the fork in his hand. Like a little shy kid.

"What are you talking about?", I ask calmly. "I have already chosen Bucky. I told you. And I love him.", I say. I can see bucky listening to our conversation in the corner of my eye, and smiling as I say so. "No, you haven't", he says determined.

Bucky walks over with a pan of omelette. It smells amaaaaazing, but I can't really focus on that. "Yes, I have". Bucky puts the pan down and sits down across from Steve. "I can still see colours, Nadya", he spits angrily. Not to angry, just more than I have ever seen him. He is so worked up this time.

"Well, I dont know", i stutter. "Maybe you have seen you true soulmate, the one that you would get after I chose? Because I know that I love Bucky", my cheeks turn red as I talk calmly to Steve. He looks at me, not totally convinced.

I take my omelette and walk out the kitchen. I'm not angry. Just a little irritated. Why does Steve have to make such a big issue out of everything? I love Bucky. I walk to my dorm and find nat sitting on my couch. "Omlette?", I ask as I enter.

It's normal that she is over at my place, that is why it's so clean. Because she cleans it. Nat nods to my question. "I'm hungry", she says. "How was your...", I look at the clock. "... Five minute nap?", I laugh. He smiled. "Pretty good". She takes a big bite of the Omlette. "Hey, share please", I say as I sit down beside her. He smiles with her mouth full of food and puzhes the plate in the middle.

"I have to tell you something", Nat says after she is done chewing. I look at her with a frowned brow. "I can see colours", she says calmly excited. "What! ", I almost drop my fork. "That's amazing", I laugh. "Who is it?". I take another bite. Nat looks at the food. It's like she is avoiding the question, or me. "Steve", she whispers. "But don't tell him", she quickly adds. "What, why not", I ask. "I don't want him to know. I guess, I'm a little shy. I mean, why now?", she sighs and leans back to the sofa.

"I don't know, but you have to tell him. Steve just exploded on me", I tell her. Her eyes turn big in surprise, but then she rolls them. "What a drama queen", she smirks.

"So", she pops up from the sofa and looks me dead in the eyes. "What's up with you? Did my plan work?", she asks excited. Even more excited than telling me that Steve was her souly. "It worked... A little to well", I laugh and tell her everything.


Once Nadya goes to sleep tonight, the plan will be sat in motion. This is going to end. Once and for all. This is the night Katherine has been waiting a lifetime for. Vengeance will be served.


Thank you so much for reading. I know it's been a while scince I last published. I just didn't have any motivation to write, but then I remembered the guys reading this story. (Btw. I'm do greatful for you). So I started writing again. Please share this story to others and like or comment. Thanks again. And sorry.


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