Chapter Thirty Six - A Dance For Two

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He slides his hand from my cheek and into my hand. I barely notice. I am too busy staring at his glowing eyes. I can see the happiness in his blue glazing eyes. They shine brighter that the stars and make me fall even more in love with him.

He starts walking towards the "dancing floor", which is basically an empty spase beside our dinner table. He doesn't break eyecontact as he pulls me with him.

When he reaches his spot, he pulls me a little harder, making me fall in his arms. He takes in my embrace and I do the same. Oh, how I have missed this. How I have missed him holding me close. How I have missed hearing him breathe in my ear.

"I told you that dress would look good on you", he whispers into my ear as we sway back and forth to some calm, classical music. I feel shivers in my body and butterflies in my stomach. I chuckle softly. "You dont look so bad yourself", I whisper back. I get a calm laugh in response.

I love this. Just us two. All alone. Without any distractions. Without any fake identities and lives. Just US. Swaying from side to side in harmony. It's the dream. I'm living the dream.

We dance like this until our feet start hurting. We pull away at the same time. "My feet hurts", we say at the same time. Then we laugh. Not hysterically, just softly.

Bucky pulls me with him to the table. Only then does he leave my hand empty. He pulls out my chair. "Such a gentleman", I smirk. He smiles at me as I take my seat. I watch him unbutton his coat and sit down.

"It was nice of you to invite Nicole", Bucky says after a small silence. What? How does Bucky know? I thought Nicole said he was especially careful when he heard someone.

"How did you...", I start. Bucky interrupts me. "I am a retired assassin. I can even hear you walk to you bathroom upstairs", he explains.

I smile. He basically hears everything. Nicole walks in with a trolley and serves us our meals. He made steak, vegetables and sause for Bucky. And spaghetti and meatballs for me.

We eat in silence. I can only hear the clinking of cutlery scraping the plates and Nicole quietly pouring us wine. The food tastes amazing. "Mmm, this is really good", Bucky says to Nicole while pointing his fork at his food. Nicole nods as a thank you and walks out.

We are left alone. Again. I look over at Bucky. He is eating peacefully. Suddenly I feel an urge. An urge of getting touched. An urge of Bucky touching my body. An urge of feeling his touch without anything in between.

I finish my plate and my wine. So does Bucky. We look at each other for a while. I wonder if he feels the same as I do. I wonder if he feels the urge too.

I guess he does, because he stands up after a while. He walks over to me and offers me his hand. I kindly accept and gentluøy grab his hand. I let him lead me.

He takes me back on the dancing floor. But we only dance for some seconds. While we dance, we can't stop smiling at each other. I can see his happiness. We move closer and closer. The urge grows with every step we take towards each other. I look at his eyes.

When we are close enough to hear each others breath, Bucky looks down at my lips and up to my eyes again. I do the same, and catch him biting his lip. The urge grows. I lean forward and close my eyes.

(Warning: Sexual scenes ahead. Skip this part if you don't want to read)

Our lips touch with the softest touch. It is like Bucky is afraid to break me if he kisses me to hard. His lips are soft and I can feel the scent of wine from his mouth. I kiss him harder. He kisses me back. His hand moves from my hand to my neck and the other on my back. I actually don't know what to do with my hands. What do people do with their hands when they kiss?

Possibility (A Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers Story) Where stories live. Discover now