Chapter Twenty Two - Am I Sure?

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The party was a big success. Everyone had fun and all the food was delicious, thanks to Bucky. I even made Steve hit a piñata while he was blindfolded. I mean, who is too old for piñatas? Almost everyone brought a gift, which I stuffed under the food table, and then, I pretended to loose something under the table. His face was priceless when he saw all the gifts. It was the happiest face I had ever seen on Steve. His eyes glowed, and it looked like his smile was covering his whole face. I could swear I saw a tear in his eyes at one point. He thanked everyone as he opened all the gifts. He got some very weird once too. Someone got him a scarf, and someone even got him red, white and blue sunglasses. It was the funniest party I had ever been on. And I was happy with Steve. Even though Bucky sometimes crossed my mind, I just shoved him out of my thoughts.

I had already told my friends that I would stay a little longer. I didn't tell them everything. I didn't tell them that I was living at the avengers compound, nor that I had two Soulmates. I only told them that I had found my souly and that it would take some time. They told me that they missed me, but that they were happy for me. I also told aunt Pamela, when she heard, it almost sounded like she was happy I was away for longer.

"Hey, Are you even listening?", Nat chuckles. "Huh?" I muffle, realizing I have been daydreaming. "No, not really", I say and look over at Steve and Bucky, They are talking together. "Got a lot on you mind", Nat says looking in my eyes's direction. "I don't know", I say and sigh. "He just seems so happy, and we are happy, but something keeps bothering me", I say to Nat. She nods her head telling that she understands. "Hey, did you hear?", Nat says and draws my attention back to her. She tells me about some dude who fell down the stairs and did something, then Steve shows up from behind. He starts hugging me from behind and kissing my neck. He puts his hands on my hips, and I can feel its warmth through my dress. "Hey beautiful", he whispers into my ear. I get goosebumps. Partially from the way he breaths into my ear, and partially from the way "Beautiful" from his mouth sounds. "Hey handsome", I whisper back. He turns me around using his hands on my hips, and gives me a light kiss. "What was that for", I ask. "Thank you", Is all he says before walking off, leaving an empty space between my hands.

Almost everyone is gone. Nat and Tony are helping cleaning up the mess I my apartment and Bucky and Steve are talking. Sometimes I wonder if they ever talk about their war-days. I help Nat fold the table and we head for the door. We borrowed the table from the cafeteria, so we have to put it back. When I come back Tony and Bucky are gone. Nat also says bye in the hallway, and we seperate in front of my door. I walk in, and find no one but Steve, with his back to me. "Hi", I say as I walk in. The look on his face when he turns around, is not good. He has a sad face, nothing like he had the rest of the day. "What is wrong? ", I say worried someone close to him has died or something horrible has happened. "You still love him", Steve says quietly and sits down on the sofe. "Excuse me?", I say. I heard what he said, I just couldn't prosess what he says. I even knew who he meant. "Buck, You still love him", Steve says looking at me with wet eyes. My heart starts pumping and raising. My eyes get wet with his. What is he talking about?! "No!" I say, to Steve, and to myself. I sit down on the side beside Steve. A tear slowly runs down his cheek. "Then... Why can Bucky still se colours?" Steve says sad and low. "I... I... I don't know", I stutter. "Maybe he find someone else, or maybe he...", Steve stops me and shakes his head. "No, it can't be, I'm in love with you", I say desperately to persuade him. And then I realize. I do really love Bucky. I love his eyes, and the way he talks, and his kindness and humour. I sit back, move a bit away from Steve. I shudder, but I cant get any words out. "It's ok", Steve says and stands up. "I'm happy for you. Bucky is a good guy", he starts walking towards the door. "Steve", I almost whisper as i stand up from the sofa. "Please don't". "Thanks once again", He steps out the door and looks me one last time in the eyes. I can see that they are hurting. "For everything".


The bosses plan was almost sat in motion. She only needed one more thing. To get the Avengers attention. That would not be too hard. The man was locked up in the basement and the bosses agents were guarding him. No one could get to him now. Nothing could fail now!!


Thank you so much for reading. I hope you like the story, and if you don't. Please let me know whst can be done differently. There is no right or wrong way in writing. But still everyone like different things. So please let me know!


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