Chapter Thirty Two - The Truth About My Parents

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I woke up by bucky's sudden movement. One moment he was asleep, and the next he sat up, breathing heavily. I don't think he knows I'm awake. I'm facing bucky, but it's hard to see so much in the darkness. I feel bucky's breath tremble a few times.

Then... I don't know what it is. But bucky makes a sound. Sounds like he is whimpering and crying. The sound worries me. What has happened?

Bucky tries his best to be scilent, but I'm already awake. I open my eyes and slowly sit up. Bucky's face is buried in his hands and he is shaking. Its clear that he is crying.

"Heeyyy", I say softly. "Whats wrong". I lay a hand on his shoulder and he looks up at me. Even though it's hard to see, I can see bucky's red and glossy eyes. It hurts to see him like this. "I saw them", he whimpers. I don't understand "Saw who?", I ask carefully. He buries his face in his hands again. "Your... Your parents", he says in between his cries.

I can hear him gasping for air in the midst of his cries. What?? He remembers?? He remembers killing my parents? I lift his face up from his hands and makes him look at me. I know this is going to get wierd, but I have to. I have to know.

"Can I see?", I ask him as tears won't stop rolling down his cheeks. He shakes his head in silence. "I have to know Bucky. Who were they? Whst did they do? Why did you kill them? Why!?", my heart beats fast. I'm scared but also determined. I have to know. Bucky gives me a short nod and leans his head backwards against the bed-wall.

I close my eyes for one second. This is not going to be pretty. I can feel it. I open my eyes again and look at the blue cloud around bucky's head. I enter his head and can hear all his thoughts. He is hurt. "Can you please focus on the memory?", I ask bucky. I'm all inside his head, so everything around me gets blurry. Bucky must have focused, because as I look for the right thought and memory in his brain, I find something. It is like a big blue bubble, just growing and growing. I enter the memory and focus really hard. Then the though suddenly dissappears. I jump out of bucky's head really fast and there it is. Every memory Bucky has of my parents floating in the room.

As I try to project the memories, Bucky explains. His voice is weak. It totally breaks my heart, but not as much as his memories. "Your parents were scientist for H.Y.D.R.A.", bucky explains as two people come in a room.

It seems as Bucky is standing in a corner, just observing. I immediately recognize the people. My parents. I sigh when I see them. They talk to someone behind a desk. The one behind the desk seems angry, and my parents look scared.

My mom's hair is in a tight bun and she is wearing a white coat. My dad's hair is short and he is also wearing a white coat. "They were one of the smartest people. But then. Almost 25 years ago... They... They leaked. They betrayed H.Y.D.R.A.", bucky sighs and looks at me as the next memory shows up. "They tried to flee, but my boss wanted then dead. So, he sent me", bucky's voice breaks at the end of the sentence.

I can't look at him. His next memory is killing them. "I hunted them down, and killed them. I'm so so so so sorry", Bucky cries even more this time. He buries his face as I look at my parents getting killed.

They are in a little apartment. My father and mother crawled up in a corner in the kitchen. Scared for their lives. My father has a knife is is hands, which bucky quickly takes out by breaking my father's arm. I put my hand to my moth when I see the pain in my father's eyes. He is so scared. So defenceless.

He crawls even closer to my mother, who has just closed her eyes. It looks like she is ready to die. Bucky pulls out two knives. I look away. I look at bucky. He killed them. My parents. He stabbed them to death. I really though I had made peace with it, but now I don't know.

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