Chapter Thirty Three - Rescue Gérard

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It was Frank who opened the door. His broken nose looked blue, but the bandages were off. "Oh my god, Frank. I'm so sorry", I say sentimentally. "Yeah Frank. I'm so sorry for boxing you, but I though you were dating my girl here", Bucky takes his hand on my hip and pulls me close. "But she told me you were just friends.", Bucky kept going. "It's all cool", Frank says looking at me. I blink at him, indicating that I haven't told Bucky about our little "if you don't tell, then I don't".

"Anyway, we brought you a little something", I pull out a strawberry pie that I have been hiding and that Bucky made, from behind my back. "Oh", Frank says in surprise. "Please come in", he says and opens the door for us.

Their house looks a lot like ours. I mean the main building. Not the interior. Frank had almost no pictures of him and his wife. The walls are mostly naked and the sofa is also pretty simple. It doesn't look like they are going to stay here for long.

"Honey. The Wallaces brought us a pie", he screams to the kitchen. The same lady I gave coffie to, comes out to us. "How lovely", she sais and takes the pie from Frank to put it away. "Please, come in and sit. Let's enjoy this delicious looking pie together", She says with a big smile to bucky. She is clearly attracted to him.

I don't know why. I guess it must be a reflex, but I put my hands around bucky, and he playes along. His hands on my hips. I can see the jealous looks on both Frank and Rebecca. I take my hands off as soon as Rebecca leaves the living room.

"Please, sit", Frank signs us to sit down at the sofa. "So tell me about yourselves", Frank commands us, in a nice way. Me and Bucky look at each other. Not with a wierd look, but as if we were always in love. We smile at each other. Then Bucky starts talking. He tells Frank how he met me while I was searching for a "new job", and then he just makes up a lot of stuff. Meanwhile, I look at the clock. It's showing 14:58. Still two minutes left. I can see Frank looking at the watch too as Bucky tells our story.

Two minutes left, Rebecca comes into the living room again. Always having her eyes glued on Bucky, she lays the pie and some drinks on the table. I smile when Bucky passes me a piece of the pie as he takes one as well. We eat in silence.

Then bucky takes one of the glasses with juice. He is about to drink it, but then I accidentally hit his arm, making everything spill on the floor. The glass slips, making it shatter as it hits the ground. "Oh no", I take my hand to my mouth in surprise and shame. Bucky sends me an angry and disgusted look. Rebecca doesn't take her eyes off bucky as she stands up. "No big deal. I'll go get it cleaned up", she says. "I'll help", Bucky suddenly stands up. Her eyes won't leave him as they walk together over to the kitchen.

One minute left. Just me and Frank. All alone. He lays the plate on the table. He hasn't even finished his pie, but I don't think he has any plans to finish it. He stands up and sits down where bucky sat just a minute ago. Even closer to me. He looks me in the eyes. "Doesn't seem like things are working out", he moves even closer. "No", I say biting my lip. We smile at each other and I look down at his lips. He bites them once more. Then he leans.

Fifteen seconds left. Frank is leaning in to kiss me, but not only to kiss me. He doesn't know I know about the syringe he has hidden in his hand. With the toxic content. He takes action just about when our lips are about to meet. He acts suddenly. But it isnt sudden to me. I already know what he is going to do. I take his arm, hit it like Bucky taught me, and turn it towards himself. I push his arm and hand with the needle into him.

It all happens so fast, that Frank doesn't have time to think. He suddenly collapses on me, and I push him onto the floor. I take out the syringe with the corner of his shirt and hide it. I can feel the adrenaline kick in. Good thing I worked on distractions with Bucky.

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