Chapter Thirteen - Meeting

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Everyone's eyes are glued to me. "Everyone... Nadya", Nat introduces me. "Nadya... Everyone", she continues speaking as I look at the familiar faces in the croud. Bruce, Bucky and Steve. There are also two other men here. One with black hair. I feel like I have seen him before, but I can't remember where. The other man has a kind of brown-blonde hair. He is wearing a black suite with knives and arrows on it. I look at Steve for comfort and he smiles at me and nods. I smile back. Then Nat takes a seat and there is only one seat left. One beside the man with black hair. "Alright", Steve says and stands up. "I have called in this meeting today to address the elefant in the room", he says with serious voice. "Unfortunately Thor could not make it today, some business in Asgard. Neither could War-Machine, he had some errands to run". I look around and see Steve's and everyone else's head-bubbles. I focus and stare at Bruce's cloud. "Possibility", his inner voice says. I focus at Steve's, "Nadya", his inner voice says. Then I focus at the man beside me, he with black hair. "Stranger", his inner voice says. His voice is dark, but I can't tell how dark since he hasn't spoken for real while I am in the room. "Nadya", Steve says and catches my attention. I look at him and then at everyone else. They are all looking at me. What did he say?

I totally lost focus as I tried to listen to their thoughts. "Yeah", I say shy and embarrassed. "Why are you here?", he asks. I look at him for some seconds trying to remember why I'm really here. Then I remember. "To interview an avenger", I tell him, but also everybody else. He nods quietly. "Any person in particular?", he asks. I look around the room. "No, anyone who has time actually", I answer him. "Perfect", Steve says. "Is anyone available tomorrow?", He asks the rest. I look around as no one answers. Everyone is looking down at the table. What is wrong? "Ehm, Steve", It is the man with the bow and arrow. His voice sounds safe, like you wouldn't feel like you were being threatened if it was from him. Steve looks at him and raises his eyebrows. "Yes Barton?", Steve says. Barton? "I don't think anyone wants to be interwieved by... How do I say this... Someone who read minds", he tries carefully. Steve sighs. "Then it was that problem", he mumbles. Did he tell everyone about my powers? Who told him to? What if I want to keep it a secret? I didn't even think before I suddenly stood up. Every pair of eyes were glues to me. "That's totally understandable", I say without thinking. And then I rush off. I am kind if hurt. Who told Steve to tell everyone? I feel like I should have decided for myself. With fast steps I walk towards my room. I don't know what else to do.

After staring in the ginormous mirror in my room, someone knocks at the door. I don't know if I should answer, I still feel the rage. It is little, but it's there. Why would Steve do such a thing, I don't even know how they work, I don't want people to be afraid of me. "It's Nat", I hear from the door. I stand up and walk towards the door. Without saying anything, I open the door. I feel like Nat is welcome here, we are close enough. "You OK? ", she asks me as she sith at the sofa beside me. "Yeah", I answer short. It sounds surprisingly angry, it wasn't meant to though. "Steve said that he is sorry", Nat says and looks into the air. "I won't forgive him until he comes here himself", I say angrily at the sound of Steve's name. "I'll remember to tell him that", Nat says. I sigh. "Now everyone is afraid of me", I try not to cry, but it gets hard. "I haven't even figured out what my powers do, and now everyone knows", a tear roll down my chin. "I'm sure he didn't mean it like that", Nat tries to comfort me. "Besides, Tony already agreed to that interview". "Who?", I ask as I wipe away my tear. "Tony Stark, the man that sat beside you.... With black hair", she tells me. Stark? The name rings a bell. Oh, I know. The man on the TV, he who claimed he was iron man, his name was Tony Stark. I nod at the description of him. "It's going to be fine", Nat says and stands up. "It's getting late, get some sleep, I'll see you tomorrow, bye", Nat says and walks out the door. She leaves me alone with my thoughts and an empty apartment.

I am all ready to sleep. I am wearing my pajamas and my teeh are brushed. I take a last look at the my parents wedding picture, which I have laid on the white side table. I crumble into the white sheet. "Night mom and dad", I whisper. I look at the photo with colours in my eyes. My mom's hair is the same as mine and my dad's hair is caramel-coloured. They have both beautiful eyes. My mom has Hazel eyes and my dad has green. I guess I inherited my eyes from my father. Mom's dress I beautiful and she is holding beautiful red roses in her hands. I smile as my eyelids close and my brain goes to sleep.

The days is over and the man's plan is ready. He will succeed this time, but to put the plan in motion, he has to wait first. Then he will satisfy his boss. He kills the lights and goes to bed with a smirk on his face.


Thank you for waiting such a long time for this. I know I write slowly, but there is just a lot going on. Anyway, thanks for reading. Hope you like the story. Please share, leave a comment or like this story. Thanks again.


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