Chapter Eight - Heart Monitor

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I watch people kidnapping my best friends. Becca is fighting for her life, just like Ben, Nicholas and Camila. They are all terrified. Their eyes scared, as I have never seen before. I try to reach for Nicholas, as he is the closest one, but I can't move. Something is wrong. The men kidnapping them are wearing black clothes and a black mask. Like the once you see on TV. The once who always traumatise people. The once who are Big Brained. They push my friends into a grey van. I think it is a Mercedes. I try to do something. To stop them somehow, but it feels like my feet are stuck. Why can't I move? I use all my power, but nothing is happening. Then I stop, as I see the people in black taking their seats behind the wheel. They have all my friends tied up in the back with duck tape over their mouths. Then one of them says something to me. It sounds very familiar and scares me. It's only one secentence. Three words. The man in black, closest to the left window opens his mouth. "I know you". I get goosebumps. My heart starts beating fast. I try to cry, but nothing happens. Then everything turns black.

I hear low beeping. Steady beeping. It sounds like the once you hear from monitors. Heart monitors. I feel wierd. It is like nothing is wrong, but something is wrong. All my energy is gone. I can't move. Also my head hurts. Probably oecause of the power drainage. I try to open my eyes, but I don't have enough energy. Then I remember everything. Going to USA, the avengers compound, Natasha... And... James. My soulmate. I had found colours. But then they disappeared. Nat said something about having two soulmates. Then I blacked out. Next thing I know my friends are being kidnapped. It must be a dream. It doesn't add up. I must have passed out... And then I had a nightmare. It wasn't real. With all the power I have left, I open my eyes. My eyes meet a white roof. It looks completely white, no stains and no insects. I do my best at keeping my eyes open. In the corner of my eye, there is a silhuette. Someone, or something. It isn't moving. Then it moves. Suddenly. I get stressed, who is it? Where am I? What is happening?

I can hear the heart monitor machine beeping faster. It was probably because I stressed over the silhuette approaching me. "Hey", the silhuette says. I remember hearing the voice, but can't recall who it belongs to. "It's ok", then when the silhuette is almost above me, I see who it is. It's Nat. Smiling down to me, as I lay in what I think is a bed. It's pretty comfy, but I can't see it. The voice belongs to Nat. "You want to sit up?", she asks me. I try to speak, but my throat won't make a sound. I try to say yes with my eyes. She understands, and helps me up. Now I can see the whole room. It is a hospital room. Or at least it looks like it. There is two chairs and a table beside the window. The wall in front of me is white, and on my right, there is a door. Nat takes a glass form the table and hands it to me. I look at it, and then at her. "Drink", she says. I try to reach for the glass, but my arms won't move. She smiles, as if she understands, and helps me drink the water. The water isn't cold, but it's not to hot either. Slowly I can feel my energy reappearing. My throat doesn't hurt as much. "Thank you", I say with a low voice. Nat smiles at me, and helps me drink up the rest. Then she puts the glass back in the table and sits down at the bed. The blanket and pillows are also white. "What happened?", I ask her. I slowly see clearer. Now she has some kind of blue cloud around her head. It's not exactly a cloud, more like strings crossing each other forming a round barrier around her head. "Ma'am, somebody needs you downstairs", woman in black just opened the door. "I'll be down in a minute", Nat answers. The woman nods and closes the door behind her. "I have to go, but Bruce will come to check on you. I'll inform him that you are awake", I nod slowly wondering who Bruce is. Nat stands up and leaves the room. Now it's only me and the white room.

"Your vitals are stable, no sign of any broken bones and your blood pressure is normal...", the man I assume is Bruce keeps on telling me that nothing is wrong with me. As he unpluggs me from the machines, I try to understand what he is saying, but it's hard to keep up. He Has black-grey curly hair. No facial hair and no glasses. There is also a bly bubble around his head. What is it with the blue bubbles. They will probably go away. "How long was I out?", I ask him after he is done. He looks to the ground and then back at me. His eyes are worried. What? "4 days", he says looking at the ground. 4 days?!? I am about to tell him that i need to make calls. I was supposed to call Becca every day. Before I can ope my mouth, Bruce says:"We have told everyone at you work, and your friends that you were out cold, but that you are going to be ok". I sigh in relief. Thank God. "Do you know why I blacked out?" I ask him. He nods, but doesn't tell me. Instead he says:"I think Nat should tell you". Then he leaves. Nat should tell me? Tell me what?


The man calls his boss as soon as the girl moves. He has been watching her laying in that bed for four days. The boss gave a strict order to tell him the moment she woke. One of the avengers has been with her every day. "She is awake", the man says. "Good", the voice sounds satisfied this time. "Wait till she shows any sign, then initiate fase four". Then again scilence. "Copy", the man says. He wonders why his boss made fases, where he doesn't actually do anything. Except book a flight.


Thank you so much for reading. I am a bit stressed that you don't like the story, pleas leave a comment if you do, it would be nice... See ya


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