Chapter Twenty Seven - Total Makeover

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The rest of the flight was quiet. I couldn't bring myself to believe that Bucky felt me being inside his mind. How could he? No one else could feel it. I read the whole booklet and it felt like forever until the pilot finally said that we were 10 minutes out. The same stressed agent came in from the cockpit again, this time a bit more relaxed. He smiled at us as he entered. "Agent Barnes, we have a car waiting for you, to take you to a makeover. You have made a big thing in the news, it could blow the whole operation", he announced. Bucky slowly nodded to imply that he understood. "Agent Guseva, you will be driven right to your house and will meet Agent Barnes there". I also nod in response. He nodded to both of us before going back into the cockpit again. I started packing my stuff as he left. I packed my little pink pillow into the bag that was in a shelf on the roof. I packed out my jacket and hand it on the side. It looked cold outside, even though it was still a summer morning. Bucky just kept on reading his booklet. I believe he has read that booklet there times. A big sigh escapes his lips and draws my attention. I look at bucky. Not for long, just a second. To make sure he is ok.

We separated at the airport. Bucky went in the back of a black car with black windows while I got the keys to "our white Mercedes". It was quite a cool car. Small, speedy and handy. The agent nodded me goodbye before I drove off. The steering wheel felt smooth and the leather felt soft inside my hands. I drove carefully as I looked at the GPS popping out of the dash. It felt weird being so rich. The address was set in already and the blue dott on the GPS moved with me. It didn't take a lot of time. Almost 15 minutes later, I stood before the house on the picture the agent had shown us. It was even bigger in real life. I gasped as I saw where I was supposed to live fore the next week. The house was white marble and had majestic pillars on the sides of the entrance. There were marble stairs leading to a big double door.

I exhaled and widened my eyes

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I exhaled and widened my eyes. "Wow". I take my stuff from the back of the car and start walking up the stairs. They are almost glowing in the sun. As I reach the top I look for the keys that the agent gave me. The the door suddenly opens. I stop scrambling with the keys when I see a tall man standing in front of me. "Mrs. Wallace", his butler voice says. I don't know how, but he just sounds like a butler. "Who?", I ask curiously, before realising that it is me. "Oh, me", I say. The man moves out of the way and makes room for me to come in. "I am Nicole Davies, your butler", he continues. I walk in. side the ginormous house as I wonder if he is an agent too. My eyes run up and down the big walls and on everything in sight. I can see stairs leading up, right in front of me. On my left there is an entrance to what I think is the living room. Then on my right there is a toilet and another room with a closer door. "You must be exhausted after the long trip, let me show you to your room", he starts walking up the stairs. I take I minute to let it all sink in, before I follow Mr. Davies up the marble stairs. They have a hint of gold in them. I admire them as I follow Mr. Davies up to the second floor.

After Mr. Davies showed me the room me and Bucky were supposed to be sleeping in, I had not done a lot. After letting my bag drop on the floor, I jumped into the bed and just layed there. I looked around in Mr. And Mrs. Wallace's bedroom. It was black and white. A black bed with white pillows and a big blanket that Bucky and I were supposed to share. There were white nightstands on each side of the bed. There was a cozy black chair in the corner, beside a mini-bookshelf in the wall. We had one laaaaarge closet. It was on the wall with sliding doors of mirror. There was also a door to what I  believe is a bathroom. It all looks super rich, and too much for me. I have never had so much. I barely had enough to live on my own back in Romania. I look at the huge clock over my bed. It is almost 12 O'clock. Mr. Davies said that he would serve brunch at 12. I think about just laying in the bed another hour, but I don't want to be rude to Mr. Davies. I find the courage to stand up from the bed, which by the way was as soft as a cloud. I take a quick look in the mirror on the closet and head downstairs.

I can hear Bucky's voice as I walk down the stairs. His bag is laying on the side of the entrance. Guess he didn't want to come up? His black duffelbag is almost empty. I walk through the living room and over to the kitchen to see Bucky and Mr. Davies talking. They both stop when they see me. I smile at both of them, only looking at Mr. Davies. I sit down in front of delicious looking wraps and lick my lips. Water filles my mouth from the smell and how good it looks. "Thanks Mr. Davies", I say. "Please, call me Nicole", he almost orders me. I smile back at him to let him know that I understand. Bucky takes place in front of me and catches my eye. He looks completely different now. His hair is short and his beard is gone. He looks even more handsome now and his blue eyes are more noticeable than ever. He catches me staring at him and clears his throat. I get sucked back to reality. My eyes go down to my own food and Bucky silently eats his.

As I am about to finish my second wrap the doorbell rings. Nicole and I stand up St the same time. He looks over at me. "I'll take it", I say, making him nod and sit back on his chair. Nicole peacefully eats his third wrap as I go to the entrance. I open the big double door. Outside stands a tall man. Green eyes and red hair. He looks a bit younger than Bucky. He is wearing a red jacket and green pants, which match with his eyes. "Hi", I say questionly. "Hey", he just stands there and stares at me. "Helooo?" I ask again waiving my hand in front of me. He shakes his head and smiles at me. "Hey, I'm Frank Robinson. Your neighbour from across the street.", he smiles with his shiny teeth. Did he just say that he was from the house across our? The one we are supposed to watch? He dosent look much like a kidnapper, but you should never judge a book by its cover, I guess.


The man had been removed from Katherine's floor, but the smell of blood was still flying around the room. The next man comes in. Just as terrified as the last one. He is wearing a black big blanket cloth. The woman looks up from her desk. "You going to talk?" she says evilly. The man gets goosebumps and freezes. "Fine", Kathrine says. She is tired of traitors. She takes another blade from her arm and throws it. It flies across the room and into the man's throat. The blood immediately starts pouring out. Kathrine gives Al her attention to the papers on her desk and smirks as she sees the man collapse in the corner of her eye. "Captain...", are the man's last words. Katherine listens, but doesn't say anything. She has heard that word too many times the last few weeks.


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