It's a secret - Minho

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I froze when I saw Minho walking my way, and I averted my gaze, mortified. It was very hard liking him and being treated like klunk in response. So I just preferred to make myself invisible and maybe then he wouldn't pick on me.

And because I wasn't really looking where I was going, I bumped into him. My shoulder collided with his sturdy frame, which made me sore.

"Look where you're going, Greenie!" Minho told me off, being temperamental and sulky as usual.

Sometimes I did wonder why I liked him when he was that much of a jerk. Maybe I was wrong, maybe he wasn't like I thought he was and I was idealizing him, thinking he was so great in his own way.

"Sorry" I lowly mumbled an apology, carrying on wandering around the Glade.

"Bloody hell, Minho" Newt smirked at his friend, coolly leaning on a tree as he watched us. "Be nice with the lady"

The Runner threw him a very intense and fierce death glare that didn't seem to bother his friend in the slightest.

"Don't listen to him, love" The blond still ignored Minho and walked over to me to put a friendly arm over my shoulders. "He's like a child, deep down he likes you"

"Newt!" Minho angrily stomped over to us.

"In fact..." The second in command kept talking, not listening to him even if the Runner kept complaining and telling him off.

However, before Newt could finish his sentence, Minho had trapped him in a headlock.

"Don't you dare, shuck face" The Asian took him away, lingering on that position.

I watched Newt wink at me before he was dragged away from me.

I sighed in bewilderment, my eyes following Newt and Minho as the latter let go of the blond and shoved him, accompanying the gesture with what it seemed like very angry words. But Newt just laughed in amusement, for whatever reason.

Chuck -the only guy in the Glade who I actually got along besides maybe Newt -exchanged a glance with me. We both shrugged, not having a clue what just happened.

I had been in the Glade for almost an entire month, but I never could understand those boys, especially Minho.


The next day I awoke with a completely different outlook on the said that made it hard for me to sleep.

After a whole month of trying to be charming, cute or just friendly... I was exhausted. So I figured I could stop trying since it seemed like Minho wasn't interested in me.

It wasn't even about playing hard to get, I was fed up and wanted to forget about it all. Forget about my huge crush on him and focus on other things.

So I was calmly doing my chores, putting the supplies in their place. Then someone startled me by tapping me on the shoulder.

At first I thought it was Newt, because he had actually done that before. But when I turned around and saw Minho, I couldn't help but to frown in confusion.

Then I just showed him my exasperated and angry face to let him know I wasn't really in the mood to put up with him.

Before I showed him nothing but kindness, friendly smiles and gentle gestures. But I just got fed up with his attitude, something within me clicked that made me realize I wouldn't bear it anymore.

He had also dissapointed me, which was another tough blow.

"What do you want?" I didn't even bother to look at him, I just carried on with what I was doing before he appeared.

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