That's my job - Alby

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Jeff smiled at me when I looked at him for approval. I tried to do my best on bandaging Winston when he came for the hundredth time as he cut himself again doing his job as a Slicer. But he was one of the first boys I treated without any help, and I was nervous even if the cut on his hand seemed to be in a better condition after I healed it.

But even if it was the job I most suited, I still felt very insecure about it and a few boys complained when my inner klutz came out. But Jeff kept saying I would get used to it eventually.

“You’re getting the hang of it” Jeff friendly patted my shoulder, and I sheepishly smiled back.

Jeff was my only true friend in the Glade. We started to get along when he showed me how to do the job. Even though Clint was the Keeper of the Med-jacks, it was Jeff who taught me most of what I know.

But then was also Alby, who I was really close to. Even if he seemed really grumpy and irritable, he was always nice to me. I didn’t know the reason, but he had a soft spot for me, that was obvious.

And I looked up to him, because I knew being the leader couldn’t be that easy, and it seemed to take its toll on him sometimes. But he still tried to do his best.

Apart from them, the only Glader I ever talked to was Newt. But we weren’t really close, he just checked on me from time to time.

I gathered the supplies I used to cure Winston and put them back in their place.

“You can go have lunch if you want” Jeff told me. “It’s not like we’re that busy anyways”

“Thanks” I mumbled shyly, walking out of the hut.


Frypan gave me my lunch for the day and I sat against the bark of a tree to eat it, away from all the boys chatting.

I glanced around the Glade, feeling an odd fondness towards the boys even though I didn’t actually get along with most of them.

I sighed and stared down to my plate, looking at the bacon Frypan baked with appetite as I let my thoughts wander.

The first thing that rushed to my head was my first memories of the Glade, which made me smile in spite of myself.

After I arrived in the Box, crying and shaking, Alby had told those ‘shanks’, as he called them, to stay away and give me some space. Then he stayed with me until I had calmed down a little.

I absently bit into the meat while I replayed the scene in my head.

Alby had explained that all Greenies went through the Tour on their first day so he could answer their questions, and he said that I could choose between taking the Tour then or taking in my surroundings first.

I let out a chuckle, recalling how I asked him not to leave me alone. I trusted him from the beginning, and even though I thought at the time that he was a complete stranger and he probably had something better to do, he complied.

As I was enjoying the surprisingly delicious meal and rejoicing in those memories, someone stood before me, blocking the sun.

“What are you doing eating here alone?”

I looked up and my eyes met with the tall and slim figure of Newt.

“I don’t really want to eat with so many people around” I replied, averting my gaze from him.

He placed his hands on his hips and cocked his head to the side.

“We don’t bloody bite” Newt laughed, but I shrugged. I still didn’t want to join them, I was too shy.

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