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Humming you clean up the kitchen for Frypan. He was nice to help you out the last few days so you want to return the favor. Apart from this, you want to have a little bit time for you alone. It’s not like you hate being around the boys, but you are still the only girl in the Glade and sometimes it’s just pure stress.

Since a few days there is a melody stuck in your head. You don’t even know why you remember the music, it just popped in your head and won’t leave. Maybe one day you will remember the matching lines. You put one of the jars on the table as you get an idea. Just for safety you look around if you are still alone.

You start to drum your fingers on the upturned jar, which makes familiar sounds. A slight smile appears on your lips. That goes into a direction you like. Matching to the melody in your head you clap your hands, then you flip the jar to make sounds. It feels like you have done it before the Creators erased your memories. You have no trouble to speed up the pace and it still sounds good.

I’ve got my ticket for the long ‘round
Two bottles of whiskey for the way
And I sure would like some sweet company
And I’m leaving tomorrow, what do you say

You are not quite sure why you know the lines suddenly, but there are a lot of things you don’t understand in the Glade. One thing more doesn’t matter anymore. You just enjoy the song and the little distraction. The funny thing is that you are not the only one who enjoys the show.

“That’s a bloody catchy song”,  Newt whispers to Thomas who stands right next to him. “How can she sing and move the jar at the same time? It looks so hard and easy at the same time”, the brown haired boy replies surprised. Of course he wants to try what you are doing right now. The Keeper of the Runners notices the two boys lurking through the gap of the door like creeps.

“What are you doing, shanks? Is (Y/N) dancing around like last week?”, Minho wants to know mumbling as he try to catch a glimpse at you. Thomas moves a little bit to his left to make space for his friend. Now the Runner understands why they are so fascinated, “Wow, (Y/N) is good… but what is she doing?” Newt just puts his hand over his mouth to stop him from talking. It doesn’t matter what you are doing as long as you keep doing it so they can hear you singing to the melody.

When I’m gone
When I’m gone
You’re gonna miss me when I’m gone
You’re gonna miss me by my hair
You’re gonna miss me everywhere, oh
You’re gonna miss me when I’m gone

Chuck tilts his head a little bit to the side as he notices Newt, Minho and Thomas. Slowly the kid comes closer to them to hear a catchy melody. “Is this (Y/N)?”, he ask the other three boys smiling. It’s hard to resist the music and not start to dance. Thomas just nods in agreement not taking his eyes off you.

“I want to see something”, Chuck tries to see something, but the other Gladers are too tall. Minho waves his hand to hush him. Newt shoves the kid in front of him so he can enjoy the show. They have never thought that a simple song like that can be so catchy. It feels like a little bit of normality compared to the days in the Glade as a Runner or Second in Command.

Gally didn’t know what’s going to wait, when he makes his way towards the kitchen. Surprised he furrows his eyebrows. “What’s going on here?”, he asks needlessly, because he can already hear you singing. “Psst!”, Thomas whispers as he turns around to see who’s standing behind them. Usually the Builder would be angry at him, but even Gally gets caught from the melody. A slight smile appears on his lips.

I’ve got my ticket for the long way 'round
The one with the prettiest of views
It’s got mountains, it’s got rivers, it’s got sights to give you shivers
But it sure would be prettier with you

The other Gladers see the fascinated boys and want to know what’s going on. Suddenly after a few moments you have an audience of five dozen boys. Not all of them can see you, but everyone hear your lovely voice. Of course Alby notices the group. Apart from his, his Second in Command just disappeared into thin air. “What the hell is going on?”, the leader wants to know, while he makes his way through the boys.
One of them hits his elbow in his side not knowing who it is. “I think I’m in love”, another one mumbles with almost heart shaped eyes. “No, (Y/N) is my girl.” Alby furrows his eyebrows shocked about the effect you have on them. They are all putty in your hands. He can’t deny the melody is beautiful and catchy, but he would never…

“Damn, that’s a really nice show”, the leader mumbles to himself. Newt who stands in front of him can’t help himself, but smile. “Yeah, right? We have a bloody talent in the Glade and don’t even know it”, is his reply. You singing is probably better than every bonfire they have ever seen. “I hope this song never ends”, Chuck mumbles dreamily. The other boys just can nod in agreement.

When I’m gone
When I’m gone
You’re gonna miss me when I’m gone
You’re gonna miss me by my walk
You’re gonna miss me by my talk, oh
You’re gonna miss me when I’m gone

Laughing you shake your head, while you put the jar back on the shelf. There is still work you have to do. “No!”, you hear a voice mumbling so you look to the door. “What the hell! You are creepy shanks!”, you exclaim with red cheeks as you see that the whole Glade was listening to you. They have heard everything.

“But that was awesome! Can you sing it again?”, Chuck is the first who breaks the ice between all of you. Newt scratches the back of his neck awkwardly like the rest of the boys. They are bit ashamed that you have caught them staring and listening. “If you are going to do this every time you enter my kitchen, you are always welcome, (Y/N)!”, Frypan gives you his best smile.

Blushing you look at the ground, while you mumble a “Thank you”. It surprises you a little bit that they enjoyed your song. “I have to agree. That’s probably the best melody I have ever heard”, Gally compliments you to everyone’s surprise. The tough Builder got touched by your voice.

“Boys. Please, stop”, you don’t know how to hide your red face. “It will be just once that we are all one opinion, but you are bloody talented, (Y/N)”, Newt gives you his best smile. “Can you show me how to do this?!”, Thomas can’t hold back himself anymore. That’s typical for him, but you are proud of yourself that you can do something he can’t.
“Slim it, shank. I want to hear that more often! Won’t you entertain us in the evening by the bonfire?”, Minho suggests as he hits his elbow into Thomas’ rips to stop him. “Marry me!”, one of the Gladers yells in the meantime. A slight smile appears on your lips. Maybe it isn’t bad at all that the boys have heard you singing. They are more than putty in your hands.

“Okay, but only if I get some things in return…”, you reply innocently as possible. “Uh, she’s a clever one. We are going to pay a high price, right?”, Alby understands immediately which game you are playing. “Just a few little things like my own hut?”, everyone is looking at the Keeper of the Builders.

Gally crosses his arms over his chest, “It’s going to be faster built than you can say ”You are gonna miss me when I’m gone“, princess. Something else?” Yes, that’s going into a direction you definitely like, “Oh, that’s just the first point on my list, boys.”

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