Together - Newt

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Warnings: Glade slang, attempted suicide, mini angst

Word Count: 2203

Summary: Newt and the reader face the struggles of the trials together.


As the only girl in a group of boys stuck in a maze, my life is pretty hectic. First off, I arrived with Alby. He and I built this place from the ground up, and I’d say we did a shucking good job at it. Now, we run the Glade with Newt, my boyfriend’s help. He’s second in command while Alby and I are co-leaders. Every time a greenie shows up in the box, Newt and I have to put them in their place and show those shanks who’s in charge.

“Supply day is tomorrow, love. You know what that means,” Newt says as he walks up behind me in the map room. His arms slip around my waist as he hugs me and kisses me below my ear.

“New greenie to question me,” I sigh. “Come on, I gotta check with Gally on his ‘projects.’ Meet me at the Deadheads in like 20?” I turned around to face him before putting my hands on the nape of his neck and kissing his jawline.

“Alright. I’m gonna be in the kitchen getting food from Frypan,” He said as he put his face in my neck while he held me tighter.

“Save me something. I haven’t eaten since my last run day.”

“(Y/N) that was almost three days ago! You should be the one eating while I talk to Gally.”

“Something tells me you’re not talking to him,” Minho jokes once he walked into the map room. “Don’t you two need to be setting up for the greenie?”

“Maybe if you took care of yourself, I wouldn’t need to watch you,” Newt snaps.

“Maybe if you went to Fry already, this conversation shouldn’t have started,” I snapped back. At this point, Newt is by Minho and the maps, and I stand by the door.

“Maybe if I hadn’t saved you from trying to kill yourself, we wouldn’t have made the mistake of getting together!” He yelled.


There were only 10 of us in here total. It was before we were there for a full year.

“Alby, who would lock us in a place like this? I don’t like being closed in like this.” Alby and I were walking passed the doors after dinner and the doors were going to close soon.

“If you wanna leave so much, go try the maze. If the runners can’t find a way out, what makes you think you could?” He threw at me. I looked at the doors and contemplated running in before they started closing. Unfortunately, they closed before I decided. I walked towards the hammocks since Newt is technically still healing from his ‘accident.’

“Hey, Newt. how’s your leg?”

“Fine. Alby thinks I’ll be able to work in the gardens tomorrow. How was your day?”

“Normal, I guess. Alby said I could run tomorrow.”

“Why? You were never interested in being a runner. You wanted to be and are a builder.”

“I asked if I could try it for a day.”

The next morning, I got up earlier than the rest, even before Minho. I went over and waited by the South doors until they opened. Once they did, I ran in and started grabbing at the vines on the wall before pulling myself up.

“(Y/N)!” I heard Newt, Alby and Minho yelled for me. I just hoisted myself higher. Newt rounded the corner and looked up at the vines that were moving and made eye contact with me. “(Y/N/N), please. Don’t do it. It’ll get better, love, I promise.”

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