Stupid - Newt

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This was stupid. This was so very, incredibly and utterly stupid.

And the worst part was Minho, standing over there with that stupid smug-ass grin of his as he watches you internally struggle not to have an actual mental break down. You swear, when all of this is done and over with, you are actually going to kill him.

You never should’ve made that stupid bet. You would’ve, had you known you were going to lose in advance. But you guess, that’s not really how bets work and at the time, you truly had believed you win. Oh, how wrong you had been.

Your only saving grace was that night in particular, Newt seemed to be in pretty good spirits. There was a wide grin on his face and he seemed care free as he took large gulps of that disgusting concoction of Gally’s and chatted with Fry, Alby and a few others. Everyone actually seemed to be a in good mood that night, and even Gally wasn’t his stuck-up, usual dick of a self.

You prayed it would stay that way.

But a half hour or so later into the evening, it seemed Minho was growing tired of simply waiting. And, as you stood there next to Newt, gnawing on your bottom lip, Minho decided to take matters into his own hands. Which was against the rules, you thought, but you couldn’t outright say anything because then Newt, not to mention everyone else within hearing vicinity, would question what you were talking about and that would end in a even bigger mess.

So, you simply had to watched with panicked eyes as Minho slyly joined the conversation. And for a while, it was normally. He fell into conversation with ease and you wondered if maybe you’d just been overreacting. But then, Minho’s eyes met yours, just for a second, and the look in them told you it all and before you knew it, he was leaning into Newt’s side, whispering something into his ear that you couldn’t hear but, low and behold, it made him frown.

That cute, stupid little frown that never failed to make your heart jump a little – but this time, for a different reason.

Of course Minho had to make it happen in front of all these people. Why could he not just make it easy on you, and wait until it was just you and Newt. Because he was evil, that’s why.

So, you gathered up your courage, mumbled out Newt’s name that caught his attention, scrunched your eyes shut and leaned forward, pressing a kiss to Newt’s nose.

And just like that, all noise disappeared.

You could feel everyone’s gaze, including Newt’s, without even having to look. And as you leaned back, body tense, cheeks flushed heavily, you cringed at the look of confusion and absolute bewilderment in Newt’s eyes.

Minho was laughing, of course, but it didn’t seem to faze everyone as their lips parting and their eyes narrowed in bafflement. You didn’t blame him, the entire thing had been so sudden and without any context, their minds were probably wondering why you’d done what you had just done. In all truth, it probably would’ve been less awkward to just kiss him on the lips. Then, there might be some oohing and awing, but that hadn’t been the dare.

“What…” Newt mumbles, blinking down at you. “What… uh, why… I–”

Minho’s laugh seems to catch peoples attention then, he makes his way around Newt, falling next to his. He gives your shoulder a squeeze before teasingly waving bye and leading you off, not giving you a chance to explain yourself or Newt any kind of answers.

“You should’ve seen his face!” Minho bellows once the two of you are far away enough, head tilted back in absolutely amusement as the both of you slow to a stop.

You simply stare back at him, unimpressed, with your arms crossed over your chest. Yet, your cheeks are still flushed.

“Oh come on, Y/N!” Minho huffs, shaking his head as he continues to laugh. “It was a little funny.”

“How am I supposed to face Newt after tonight!”

Your words only seem to cause Minho more amusement. His hands fall to his stomach, gripping it as if in pain as he cackles loudly.


“Okay, okay,” Minho relents, quieting his laughter as he turns his head to face you. “You should be thanking me anyway,” he shrugs to which you raise a brow, testing him. “Now you can tell him the truth.”

“And what truth is that?”

“That you have feelings for him.”

Lips parting, Minho takes your moment of surprise to run off before you can hit him, and hard.



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