Crush - Chuck

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Character: Chuck

Words: 836

Warning: none

Summary: Chuck likes you so he picks you a flower and kisses your cheek then runs away giggling like the 12 year-old he is.


Your day was just as normal as it usually is, the same routine…bandaging up a couple of Slicers… Organizing some new medical supplies that came up in the box… Goofing around with Clint and Jeff… The only thing that was different was the way a certain young Glader was acting, and you were sure you weren’t the only one to notice it. Chuck, you’re talking about good ol’ Chuckie. Cute, adorable, happy and chubby Chuck. He’d been kicking the same rock around the Glade for a couple of hours. You kept your eye on him, worrying that maybe something was up, that this place may have already made him give up hope. You were worried he wouldn’t be able to handle it.

As you looked over at him one more time, you were interrupted when Thomas and Minho came rushing over, Thomas with a bloody hand.

“What the hell happened?” You asked, not sure how Thomas could’ve possibly cut his hand open like this.

“We just got back from the maze, and this slinthead here took it upon himself to race back towards the Glade when he tripped over his feet and tried grabbing onto a piece of ivy. Long story short he didn’t see the huge thorn coming out of it and cut his hand open on it.” Minho explained, sitting Thomas down.

“Idiot,” You mumbled towards Thomas.

“I thought it’d be nice to have a little fun! Everything’s been so quiet and tense around here the last couple of days.” Thomas glared at you and Minho. He was right, after Gally going missing things have been getting really tense, like something was coming that no one was prepared for.

“Can you fix him?” Minho asked as you delicately held Thomas’ hand up by the wrist to look at it.

“I think so, if not I can always just call Winston over to chop it off.” You joked. Thomas fake laughed and shook his head.

“Great, thanks Doc!” Minho hit Slapped Thomas’s back. “I gotta go map the maze, good job out there today Greenie.” With that, Minho jogged over to the map room. You grabbed a few things to help clean Thomas’ cut. When you began cleaning it, you glanced back over at Chuck, still seeing him bummed out, you sighed.

“Yeah I don’t know what’s gettin’ him down either.” Thomas said, noticing your glances towards the young Glader.

“So I’m not the only one who sees it!” You said thankfully, giving your full attention to Thomas now. “I don’t know, he’s usually the life of the party around here… It’s weird not seeing him smiling…"

You heard someone walking towards you so you looked up from Thomas’ hand and saw Chuck walk up to you with his hand behind his back and a blush on his cheeks, or at least you thought he was blushing, his cheeks are always ruby red though.

"Hey Chuck.” You smiled warmly at him. Chuck stood staring at you, then over at Thomas.

“Hey man, you okay?” Thomas asked.

“Um… I’m–yeah I’m fine y'shank.” Chuck laughed nervously. You looked at Thomas and he looked back at you just as confused as you were feeling.

“Whatcha got behind you back?” You asked, still smiling. Chuck reluctantly pulled his arm from behind his back. In his hand was a small, white flower with a light pink centre. It was a small flower but pretty nonetheless. “Is that for me?” You asked. Chuck blushed a darker shade of red and smiled. You lightly took it from his grasp and smelt it. There wasn’t really much of a sent to it, making the boy smile. “Thanks Chuckie.” You laughed, ruffling his hair. “You’re adorable!”

Chuck’s face instantly fell back to the bummed out expression you’d been seeing all day and turned around and walked away.

“What did I say?” you asked Thomas confused. He just snickered at you. “What?”

“I think I know what’s bumming the kid out Y/n.” Thomas smirked. “He’s got a crush on you."

"No he doesn’t!” You said.

“He does! Did you see the way he smiled when you took that flower? Then you had to go all big sister on him and call him adorable.” Thomas explained.


“Y/n no guy wants to hear from a girl he likes that he’s ‘adorable’. Even with having my memory wiped I know that.” It finally dawned on you that maybe he was right, maybe that was why Chuck had been moping around the Glade all day, he was too nervous to talk to you. Your heart sank at the thought of how it was your fault that the kid was so upset. The rest of the day you didn’t say much, now feeling bummed out yourself.

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