Chuck's sister's - Alby

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Character: Alby

Words: 777


You arrived in the box with him that day, so you were never sure what that was all about. It was an assumed thing, you and Chuck were related. Even if you didn’t look the same, people just seemed to think that about you guys, which was never a big deal to you. You were about A/G so, not that far off really?

Something like that.

Today was no different, not even because you’re standing in front of the doors long after the shock has hit everyone and they’ve went to the homestead to make up some way to keep everyone safe over the night. You were out here alone, staring at the walls, fists balled up. Your feelings ranged from shock to anger, fluctuating back and forth like there was no tomorrow, because maybe there wasn’t for you, all of you.

“I hate you!” You scream, pointing at the maze, pointing a fingers at the wall like it could hear you, you hoped the people who put you here could hear you. “We’re all going to die because you won’t close! Why won’t you close, huh? We gave you so many of us, we even handed one over to you willingly!” You continued to yell, walking over to the wall and kicking it, you don’t even wince.

You’re running on pure anger now.

“Everyone’s going to die because you won’t shucking close! You have to close!” You continue to scream, walking over to where the wall stopped moving and trying to find a way to pull at it, until you’re out of breath, the guys have tried it already. You helped them try too, you just wanted them to close, you didn’t want to die, not yet.

A voice scares you out of your thoughts, you’re expecting Alby or Chuck at this rate. Alby is your…boyfriend, for lack of better words. He’s been acting weird since The Changing, but none the less he’s still your boyfriend and you’d stick by him regardless of what happened to him!
Sadly, it was only Minho, crossing his arms and staring at you.

“Are you going to stand out here all night and be the person to be eaten?” He asks, sighing hard.

“No, I’m thinking okay. Go away Minho, I didn’t ask you to be out here.“ You threaten, walking closer to the wall.

"I’m still the Keeper of the Runners and you’re still a runner as of this second, so whatever you plan on doing, I’m saying no.” He groans, grabbing you by the shoulder and spinning you around.

“Stop” You order, shoving him away from you.

“Alby is looking for you, come on. He’s…he’s freaking out, can’t you stop being stubborn? The guy is losing his shit and you’re out here yelling at a cemented wall.” He explains, grabbing you again and pulling you along. "Just come in and deal with him, I know you don’t like it, but he’s not okay with you being out here alone.“ He continues, after that he’s quiet.

There isn’t anything else to say, not even when you walk over to where Alby and Chuck lay, obviously waiting for you. Chuck fell asleep, which is good, you’d rather him be sleeping then be worrying endlessly.

"Hey.” Alby says quietly.

“Hey yourself.” You respond, taking a seat next to him.

“You shouldn’t stay out that late, when the doors won’t close too.” He starts to say and you lay your body down in the space between him and Chuck.

“Sorry, I was just…angry. It’s…a lot to process.” You sigh, feeling him wrap his arms around you and your brother, despite everything that’s going on, you want to think you’re going to be okay.

You want to hope that nothing bad will happen at all.

But part of you knows that this is just wishful thinking.

“Hey Alby…” You trail off, blinking into the dark, hoping whatever is out there stays out there.

“Yeah?” He replies, voice hallow, but still meaningful.

“If I don’t make it through the night, make sure, Chuck knows I love him. And…make sure you remember how much I love you too.” You whisper, squeezing your eyes tightly, feeling him press you closer.

“I love you even more, the real world is going to kill you though. Stay here with me, don’t go back.” He whispers back, kissing your head. “But, I’ll always love you.”

And with that, the conversation is over, you can’t sleep, or maybe you did, all you know is that once your eyes shut, you don’t know when you’ll wake up. If you ever do.

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