It's ok to miss him - Thomas

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Warnings: Death

Word Count: 241

You sat, mindlessly staring at the endless miles of sand in front of you. After spending the entire day walking in the scorching heat you were exhausted, but your mind was racing with thoughts and refused to let you sleep.

You glanced at all the boys around you, your gaze landing on Thomas who was fidgeting and muttering something as he slept.

“Chuck… Chuck…” your heart dropped as you heard what he was saying. Everyone loved Chuck, but his death had affected Thomas the most.

You leaned over to wake him up from his nightmare, “Thomas…Thomas, wake up,”

Thomas gasped softly as his eyes snapped open.

“It’s okay, it was just a dream,” you comforted as he sat up and scanned his surroundings. Thomas nodded, slowly relaxing.

“More nightmares?” You asked.

Thomas shook his head, “It’s nothing… I’m fine,”

“Thomas, you don’t have to pretend with me,” you said softly, “It’s okay to miss him,”

He nodded weakly, “I know… He should be here with us. It should’ve been me-”

“Thomas, don’t do that. Chuck did what he did, we can’t change it now. He wanted you here, he wouldn’t want you to sit around and feel bad. Chuck wanted you to lead us. he wanted you to help us escape Wicked,”

Thomas nodded, “I just wish he was here,”

You sighed, looking at the endless desert around you, “We all wish he was here,”

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