Sacrifice - Newt

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Summary: Y/N and Newt both have the flare but when she retrieves the cure, she makes the decision to save the one she loves.

Warning: TDC SPOILERS!! Mentions of needle, death, blood, suicide, burns, and good ol angst




You knew that you had a ticking time bomb in you. You didn’t know how long you had until the flare completely took over and turn you into a crank.

It was already consuming you slowly, it started out with you getting agitated towards your friends and turning into a coughing fit. Now that you were in the last city trying to rescue your best friend, you felt yourself falling apart.

You thought that it couldn’t get any worse but when you noticed Newt’s coughing and how fast he got aggressive, you knew your boyfriend had the flare. If you could take away all of Newt’s pain and transfer it to you, you would do it in a heartbeat.

Once you rescued Minho, that’s when you started to see Newt shut down completely. You felt Gally push you down, trying to shield you from gunfire. Everyone else was up against a wall, sitting in an alleyway away from most of the fire.

“ Why didn’t you tell me?” You said, trying to hold back tears as Minho helped Newt lean up against a wall,” you had the flare...and you didn’t even tell me!”

You could see the black, bulging veins on his neck and his eyes were dark.

“ I could say the same for you love,” Newt said weakly,” you look better than I do though.”

You gripped his hand hard and let a few tears spill out,” We’re going to get through this. You can’t give up on me okay? We’re almost there you- you just have to fight for a bit longer.”

Suddenly, a bright light flashed on you for a second, but disappeared. You and Thomas looked up to see a berg fly overhead, heading for the tunnels.

“ We gotta go! That’s Brenda, we have to leave now!” Thomas shouted over the gunfire but before Gally could help lift Newt up, he started coughing so hard, black blood spilled from his lips.

You knew Newt wouldn’t make it to the tunnel in time but you tried to keep yourself together,” Newt, baby please you have to get up.”

Newt didn’t answer, instead, his eyes looked to yours, as if he was pleading with you to let him stay here.

“ Minho, y-you have to grab the serum. It’s the only chance we have,” Thomas pleaded with Minho.

Minho’s eyes looked back to Newt, who was falling apart. Tears were brimming in Minho’s eyes as he stared at his friend who was dying right in front of him.

“ Minho...go. Take Y/N,” Newt said in between his coughing, sending you into a wave of shock.

“ No! No, I’m not leaving you here!” You cried out,” I’m staying with you.”

Newt looked in between you and Minho and shook his head,” Minho...take her...please.”

Minho nodded and as he was standing up, Newt grabbed his arm and pulled him down,” Thank you...Thank you Minho.”

Newt pulled him in closer and whispered something into Minho’s ear, making Minho look right at you. You couldn’t tell what Newt said, but either way, you knew it wasn’t good.

Newt turned to you and held your hand tightly,” I love you Y/N, never forget that.”

“ I’m coming back for you, okay? Don’t give up on me Newt, don’t you dare give up on me,” You managed to say through your sobs.

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