How's it hanging - Minho

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“You came from Wicked, which means you are very valuable.” His words sent shivers down your spin, skin covered in goosebumps as the large men who surrounded you stepped closer and closer.

Next thing you knew, you were hanging upside down by your feet, no ground below you. Your head started to pound already, the blood rushing to your head as your arms dangled beside you.

“Good plan Thomas, just hear what the man has to say… Really working out for us.” Minho complains, earning a sigh from Thomas.

“Shut up Minho.” He whispers, head lifting to look around the room.

You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped past your lips, even in this intense and problematic situation, Minho’s words caused butterflies in your stomach.

“Minho, just stop talking for once.” You mumbled out with a smile on your lips, hating how much your head hurt.

“How about you make me Y/N? Come over here and-”

“I’m gonna try and reach the rope.” Thomas spoke over Minho’s voice, your cheeks blushing as you scoffed.

“I’ll punch you in the mouth, you shank.” You whispered, huffing as you watched Thomas and Minho swing back and forth, arms reaching up towards the rope tied to their feet.

“Enjoying the view?” Jorge spoke, his voice cocky and arrogant, watching as everyone dangled in the air.

“What the hell do you want?” You asked, voice sounding a bit raspier than normal.

“Isn’t that the question…” He lets his words linger in the air as he walks in front of Thomas. “My men want to sell you back to Wicked, life has taught them to think small and i’m not like that.”

You couldn’t see his face from where you were hanging, your body spinning slowly around in a circle, now facing Minho.

“Something tell me you’re not like that either.” Jorge whispers, your brows furrowed in confusion, Minho’s eyes squinting in the direction of the voice.

“Is the blood rushing to my head, or is this shank not making any sense?” Jorge completely disregards Minho’s words and the snort that came from you, going on to ask about the right arms and about how he wants to make a deal with Thomas and the others.

You were sure he was joking at first, then he dropped your ropes suddenly. You fell a few feet lower to the ground with a jerk. Gasps came from Newt and Teresa, Thomas shouted at the man and told him everything he wanted, then he left. Leaving you and the others hanging by your feet.

“When I said I wanted to hang out with you Y/N, this is not what I had in mind.” Minho grumbled, a groan leaving Newt’s lips.

“Bloody hell, are you flirting with them? Right now? We could die you blimmin’ shank.” Newt rambled, a smile tugging on Minho’s lips.

“All the more reason to flirt then, right? When we get out of here, we should do something together Y/N, ya know like cuddle or something-”

“Oh my god Minho, if I say yes will you shut up and help us?” You huff out, looking over at Teresa as a plan floods your mind.

“Hell yeah.” He smirks.

“Then yes.”

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