Something else - Minho

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You’d stood, waiting, all day for Minho and Alby to get back. You were a med-jack, and often spent your days helping out wherever you could. But not today. Not when Minho and Alby were already late as is, and you found your entire body wracked with worry.

The other’s had left you to yourself, fully aware of your feelings for Minho and how worried you were. Newt had tried to pull you under some shelter when it’d begun raining, but you’d only shrugged off his concern. You’d wait there forever if you had to, you just needed to see his face.

Eventually, by the end of the day, mere minutes before the doors would close, a large portion of the rest had joined you. You found yourself stood beside both Chuck and Newt, Thomas hovering beside Newt with just as much anticipation. Their worry only made you more worried, and you found yourself relentlessly gnawing at your lip with fret.

The rest were becoming tired, and you heard Newt sigh in defeat, saying something about them not coming back and the rest of you should head to bed. Whether Newt wanted you to be apart of that group, you didn’t care. You wouldn’t move from this spot until you saw Minho again. You would’ve ran in long ago, had the rules set in place not prohibited you otherwise.

Right now, you wanted to throw those rules out the window more than anything.

Thomas hung back, and despite barely knowing the boy, you secretly appreciated his concern. Somehow knowing that you weren’t the only one wracked with worry made you feel less alone, even if you were well aware the others were just as concerned. It was just hard to tell sometimes.

Then, your eyes caught sight of a distant figure, anticipation filling your entire being as you recognized the figure to be Minho. Not only that, but he was dragging Alby, who was obviously hurt, along with him.

The others crowded once again, and you found yourself, along with the rest, desperately screaming at Minho to hurry. The loud creak of the door echoed, and before you knew it, you found Minho’s escape from literally hell growing smaller and smaller by the second. Your entire body raced with worry and terror - afraid that he wouldn’t make it back in time.

And at the right Minho was moving at, he wouldn’t.

There was just absolutely no way Minho would be able to carry Alby through in time so they could both live. He’d have to leave Alby behind if he wanted to survive, and you already knew Minho wouldn’t do that.

So, despite the rules, despite everything you’d been taught since waking up in that damn box, you found your feet moving and suddenly, you were in between the closing doors. You heard the distant screams of your names from the others, yelling at you to come back, but you only ignored them, your sight focused on Minho and Minho only. You’d never leave him to spend a night, and possibly die, in the maze alone.

As you reached the end of the doorway, you felt the two walls on either side of your pressing tightly against your shoulders. You managed to push yourself through just in time, stumbling forward. Hands caught you before you could fall, and you immediately recognized them to be Minho’s. Panting heavily, you leaned against him, glancing back at the now closed doors, as if the realization of what you’d done, just sunk in.

“Jesus, Y/N,” Minho panted, “what’d you do that for?”

Snapping your gaze over to him, you tried to catch your bearings. “I could-couldn’t leave you alone. Not here. Not in here,” you breathed, swallowing thickly.

Minho let go of you, stepping backwards as he ran a hand through his hair in distress. “You’ve just got yourself killed!” He yelled, eyes blazed with worry staring back at you. You felt your breath get caught in your throat, unsure of yourself.

“I wasn’t about to let you die alone,” you whispered. “Besides, i’m always taking care of you. Why stop now?”

Minho sighed, shoulders slumping as he shook his head. “This time’s different, Y/N, and you know it. You’re not a runner.”

“I love you, Minho. That’s why i’m here,” you confessed, finding no other way to explain it. Stepping forward, you made your way over to Minho. “Now, come on, we need to get going before a Griever get’s here.”

Minho stayed frozen in place, staring at you in bafflement. Leaning over Alby, you raised a brow; “Minho?” You called, “let’s go.”

Minho shook his head, what you could only imagine a soft chuckle leaving his lips as he made his way over to you. “You certainly are something else, Y/N.”

“Well, of course,” you grinned, despite the moment. “I’m the only girl in a group of boys, i’ve gotta be unique.”

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