I'm here - Chuck

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A/N: This one’s really short, sorry if it kind of sucks. I love Chuck, but I don’t find it easy to write about him. Enjoy!


As I arrived into the Glade, there were only two things I remembered. Two names. Y/N and Chuck.

I knew Y/N was my name, and as I thought harder about it I realized who Chuck was. My little brother.

An adorable and sweet little boy who seemed to be around thirteen years old. Brown curly hair, kind eyes, chubby face and rosy cheeks.

Restless, loud laugh and a bit annoying at times. The memory of him made me want to smile despite the stressful situation. I remembered being really close to him, wanting to protect him at all costs.

“Y/N?” A voice screamt within the crowd as I entered the courtyard.

I recognized it. 


All glares turned to Chuck as he ran to the place I was in and hugged my waist.

“What the shuck?” Someone among the multitude exclaimed. “They know each other?”

I ignored the murmuring and looked down to my sibling.

I didn’t know what that place was but everything seemed… wrong.

“Are you okay?” I asked him with concern.

He looked back at me and simply mumbled a barely audible ‘yeah’.

We looked at each other for a moment. I could read the sadness in his eyes, which broke my heart.

I would do whatever I could to replace that look in his eyes with a twinkle of happiness. And the way he held on to me showed how miserable he really felt there. But I would change that.

“Don’t worry, Chuck, I’m here”


It took me a while to get used to the Glade. Apparts from the Maze, it wasn’t that bad after all. But I could see why people sometimes felt hopeless there.

Everyone kept asking me if I remembered something from the outside world, something about the Creators –the people who put us here- or just anything at all. But I only remembered Chuck.

My best friend was Thomas for the simple reason that he had been looking after my brother before I arrived. Well, other Gladers were nice to him too, but no one like Thomas. Except for maybe Newt.

The three of us -Newt, Thomas and I- were having a chat by the Map Room.

“He’s really happy ever since you arrived here, you know?” Thomas told me.

I was glad that I made a difference in his life, so I smiled.

“Tommy’s right. He wouldn’t stop talking about that big sister of his he remembered” Newt uttered, coolly crossing his arms.

“He’s a great kid and-“ Something suddenly fell on my back, inside my shirt. It was freezing, so I screamt.

The boys jumped, startled at my sudden outburst.

“I’m going to kill him!” I yelled, and they soon understood.

“He got her good” Thomas laughed.

I shook the ice cubes off my back and started running to catch Chuck.

It wasn’t the first time the kid pranked me. He had always been a little lively and naughty, even in our past life.

“Come here, you shank!” I was going to get him good.

“You better run, Chuckie!” Newt encouraged him as he laughed.

In a moment I caught up with him and started tickling him. His laugh echoed through the Glade and a big smile created in my face.

I treasured those moments when we played and goofed around. It truly lightened the mood.


Days went by in the Glade and everything stayed the same. I stayed with Chuck every night, I wanted him to fall asleep feeling like he was safe with me. Feeling protected.

One night, we both lied in our hammocks, which were next to each other.

The kid was really quiet that day, unusual on him. I figured he was thoughtful and missed home although he didn’t really remember it.

“Y/N” He called me when I thought he had fallen asleep. “Do you think mum and dad are missing us?”

I heaved a sigh.

Chuck was always wondering about our family. Who were our parents? How were they? Did they love us and miss us?

Honestly, I didn’t know the answers to any of those questions. If our parents were out there, they probably should have done something to keep those Creators from taking us and putting us in here.

If for whatever reason they couldn’t, they might not even be alive.

But that was too tough of an answer for me to give him. Even if he could have thought about it himself already.

“Yes, Chuckie. I do”

“Thomas promised me he’d take me with them” Chuck’s voice showed hesitation and such a maturity for a thirteen year old.

“I trust him with that” I assured my brother. “But until he does, I’m here with you”

“I know…” Chuck said, and soon after I heard him snoring.

I smiled a little and stood up from my hammock to take a look at him.

He thought it was cheesy, but I always gave him a goodnight kiss. Usually when he was asleep so he wouldn’t whine about me embarrassing him.

Like every night, I put a blanket over him and left a fond kiss on his forehead.

“Goodnight, little brother”

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