Weak spot - Gally || Pt.2

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Summary: After all, Gally has grown fond of Y/N to the point that even the Gladers notice. What she wasn’t expecting was that she began to feel the same way about him too.

Gally was such a complex person.

Most of the time, when I looked at any of the other Gladers I could pinpoint their personality easily. Alby was a bit grumpy, but he was the leader and he cared about his friends. Minho was impulsive and annoying, but he was really loyal. Newt was caring and wanted to make sure everyone was okay even if he didn’t put up with anyone’s klunk.

But Gally? No idea.

He was too quiet or too loud. Too sensitive or too rough. Too angry or too happy.

Maybe that was why I started getting a like to him in the first place. But what was that made me want to hug him again that badly?

He was grumpy, everyone knew that. But when I looked at him, even when he was scowling, I thought I could see more.

Ever since I stopped him from telling Thomas off, I had noticed a slight change in his demeanor. But I seemed to be the only one that noticed.

Someone clicked his fingers in front of my eyes to drag me back to reality.

“Earth to Y/N” Minho had finally arrived from his run. “What are you doing, you shank?”

“Almost falling asleep because you’re a slow shuckface” I replied, pretending that I hadn’t been daydreaming while I waited for him at the Maze doors.

Minho wiped the sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand.

“Slim it, I’m the fastest shank here” I had almost forgotten how conceited he was sometimes.

“Sorry, oh great Keeper of the Runners” I sarcastically said, my glare automatically going towards Gally when I saw him walking out of the medical hut.

“That’s better” Minho patted my shoulder with enough strength to make me forget about Gally and gather my attention to drive it towards my best friend.

Minho was still tired from running through the enormous Maze, so he wasn’t too keen of chatting. I just followed him as he headed to the Homestead.

Again, I slowly turned my head to look at Gally. I noticed he caught my eye, so I coyly smiled and looked down.

“What’s wrong with you?” Minho snapped, making me quickly look up at him.


“You’re too quiet. You’re usually praising my perfection to tell me how glad you are I came back” My friend stopped in front of the Homestead and stared at me, crossing his arms over his chest.

He had a look of utter determination in his face. But I pretended like nothing out of the ordinary happened.

“I’m fine, I’m just tired today”

Minho sent me a glance that clearly said ‘I don’t believe you’ but he didn’t insist. He probably was too tired to annoy the shuck out of me like he usually would.

“Whatever” Minho said, rolling his shoulders as he took off his runner garment. “See you later, dumb shank”

My friend smiled at me and ruffled my hair before he went into the Homestead.

Immediately, my eyes sought a certain someone. When I found Gally, my heart pace fastened and I felt an intense heat on my cheeks.

He was now talking to Ben, but soon they parted ways and Gally headed towards me although he hadn’t seen me yet.

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