I'll Get You Back For That - Minho

380 3 0


Word Count: 637

Warning: None

Summary: Running the maze with Minho is great fun, but when he slaps your ass and in return you get the opportunity to publicly embarrass him by doing the same, being in the Glade is so much better.

Running with Minho has been the best decision I’ve made since coming to the Glade. It is by far the most fun I’ve ever had. Aside from the running and the mapping of the maze, at any opportunity we can find to make each other laugh; we do, constantly joking and challenging each other to races.

And, of course, there’s a lot to be said for spending everyday alone with your boyfriend, no chance of seeing anyone else until you returned to the Glade. Stopping to catch our breathes generally ends in a make-out session, as expected, but we do actually map the maze the rest of the time we are out there, both hellbent on finding a way out.

Currently, we were stopping for lunch, sitting side by side against the ivy-covered wall, sandwiches Frypan made especially for us in our laps. There wasn’t much talking, the action being difficult with the amount of bread stuffed in our mouths, we mostly just enjoyed each other’s company.

“Enjoying your sandwich, (Y/N)?” Minho broke the silence, gulping down the crust of his last sandwich.

“Yeah, are you, Min?” I responded, dropping the last of mine into my mouth.

“Yeah, it was great. You’ve got a bit of something there,” he stated motioning towards my lips.

“Where?” I asked, going to get rid of it.

“I’ve got it,” Minho replied, moving my hand away from my mouth and leaning in, quickly pressing our lips together. When we pulled away, smiling cheekily, he stated under his breath; “Got it.”

“Thanks, babe,” I say, placing a kiss on his nose, “C’mon, we’ve got to get going.”

I stand up, leaving Minho still sat leaning against the wall.

“Awe,” he whines, looking up at me, “But I’m having such a great time.”

Smiling, I stretch my arms out to him, as he links our hands, I pull him up to standing, before gathering my stuff.

“We can always stop again,” I suggest, winking, to which he smirks.

“Good idea,” Minho replies.

“Want a race? Four corridors down. Finish at the mess of ivy by that big boulder?”

“Sure, hope you can keep up!” Minho shouts, about to go sprinting away, but first slaps my ass before running off down the corridor.

“Oh, I am so gonna get you back for that,” I call after him, before sprinting to catch up.

The rest of our run is pretty uneventful, save the odd stopping for a kiss here and there, we make it back at the usual time, slowing down as we make it through the doors and back into the Glade. Newt, Alby and a few other Gladers are milling around at the doors, greeting us as we come through.

“(Y/N), Minho! How was your run?” Alby questions.

“You two have fun out there?” Newt asks. Minho is a few paces ahead of me, and I take this opportunity to get my revenge. Changing from walking into a quick jog, I catch up to him, standing just behind him as I say my next words.

“Yeah, we did, huh Min?” I answer as loudly as I can, slapping Minho’s ass before walking past him, off in the direction of the map room. Behind me, I hear a collection of laughter, and turn to see the Gladers who were by the doors laughing hysterically at Minho, who’s face has turned to the colour of a tomato and has a stunned look across it.

I laugh, calling out to him; “I told you I’d get you back!”

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