Flirting - Frypan

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You were in the kitchen waiting for Fry to come back with the blasted carrots... But that was an hour and a half ago. You looked at your watch, about a half hour until dinner time and you had barely even started cooking it. It was Frypan’s idea to do sloppy joes but you needed carrots in the meat and he still hadn’t come back yet. You chopped the onions loudly, pretending every cut was Fry’s neck you were so upset with him. Who just leaves in the middle of dinner and doesn’t say anything?

You stop chopping the onions and wipe the sweat from your forehead with the back of your hand, as if just on cue Frypan walks into the kitchen, and stops once he sees you holding the knife.

“Where the hell have you been?” You shout. Fry’s eyes are wide. He’s not looking at you, but at the knife. “Oh don’t worry I’m not about to kill you... Not until after we’re done here anyway.” You roll your eyes and go back to chopping.

“I’m sorry. When I got to the gardens Clint and Newt hadn’t even started uprooting the carrots. I just spent the last hour helping them do it.” He said. Now that you looked at him, he looked completely sweaty. You saw his arms covered in a light layer of oil and his veins were slightly bulging from his biceps.

“Um... Yeah it’s okay.” You stuttered, looking back down at the onion and continued to chop it.

“What’s the matter with you?” He asked playfully as he walked around the counter and leaned against it next to you. You shook your head and kept chopping, not looking up so he couldn’t see your blush.

“Nothing.” You sad matter of factly. “Besides the fact that we gotta cook for fifty other hungry men out there and some help would be nice.”

“Well I’m no professional but I think you’ve cut enough onions.” He chuckled. You stopped chopping and noticed you cut about eight of them.

“Well we could use some pre-chopped onions for other meals right.” You chuckled.

Fry just laughed and went to grab the big container of carrots he left on the ground and hoisted it onto the counter. You looked up from your chopping and watched as his arms flexed as he lifted it. Your eyes couldn’t look away, you thought maybe it was the heat and you were imagining things. Fry cleared his throat and your eyes met his. You were caught. You blushed and looked back down at the cutting board and grabbed a carrot and started chopping again.

“You sure you’re okay Y/n?” He asked.

“Yeah I just think... Y’know with the oven on and the heat outside... It’s just hot in here.” You said closing your eyes and wiping the sweat from your forehead again. You opened your eyes and saw Fry staring at you.

“Definitely hot in here.” He agreed with a wink. “But I don’t think it has anything to do with the oven.” That as bold even for Frypan.

You swallowed and continued to look at him. “No I don’t think it really does.” You agreed.

“After dinner’s over we could go cool off somewhere and have some dessert...” Fry suggested.

“I think that’s a great idea.” You smirked as you grabbed another carrot. The two of you continued to cook in silence, both stealing glances at each other when you both thought you weren’t looking. Needless to say you were really looking forward to dessert.




A/n: again I am deeply sorry this is short but it's 1am😭

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