Medjack girl - Minho

536 6 0

Character: Minho

Words: 1,513

Warning: smut

gotta be more careful Winston…” You said as you finished bandaging up his hand. “Go slower, slicing isn’t a race.”

“Thanks (Y/n).” With that he smiled and left the Medjack hut. You went to put the supplies you used to stitch up Winston’s hand away when the door burst open suddenly.

“(Y/n) a little help here!” Thomas shouted. You jumped when this all happened so fast. Thomas was holding Minho’s arm around his neck, and Newt was on the other side of Minho holding him up. Minho was groaning in pain.

“Set him down there.” You said, moving a few pieces of scattered bandages off one of the cots. They both helped him onto the bed, making Minho groan even louder.

“What the shuck happened?” You asked all of them. Newt turned to Thomas.

“We were running the maze when Minho collapsed. He went flying to the ground and broke his ankle.” Thomas explained out of breath. “I had to carry his ass out of the maze.”

“Oh my god.” You leaned down and took off his shoes. “Newt, hand me that cloth, we need to clean away the blood.” You ordered the second in command. Newt ran over to the table and grabbed the cloth laying in a bucket of water, bringing it around the cot and next to you on the floor.

“Is he gonna be okay?” Newt asked you. You sighed.

“Yeah, probably. I don’t know unless we get the supplies from the box.”

“That’s two days from now.” Thomas blurted out.

“I know. Look, I’ll do what I can.” You started cleaning away from the blood. “Just–All Minho would want you to do right now is to map out your section. Business as usual okay?” You ordered. You didn’t mean to sound harsh, they knew you got bossy when you’re under pressure. That’s why you were named a Medjack, because you knew how to handle the pressure better than the others. You rang out the cloth and all the water came out red.

“Both of you need to get out. I gotta fix him up.” You ordered. “Now!” You shouted when they didn’t move. They both jumped up and headed straight for the door.

“Let us know how he’s doing alright?” Newt asked. You nodded before they left you and Minho alone.

“How you managed to trip up… I’ll never know.” You said to him after the blood was cleaned away. Minho was too busy trying not to pass out room the excruciating pain that he hadn’t realized you kicked out Newt and Thomas. You started to wrap up his ankle.

“I didn’t shucking do it on purpose.” He scoffed. “Just lost focus was all.”

“Mhm.” You smirked.

“How does it look, am I gonna live doc?” He asked. You finished wrapping his ankle and sighed, finally looking up at him.

“You want the good news first or the bad news first?” You asked.

“Lets get the bad news over with first.” You got up and brought the bucket and cloth to the counter, and then cleaned your bloody hands off.

“Bad news is you’re not gonna be running for at least a month.” You said grimly.

“A month?” He asked.

“At least.” You repeated. “Could be longer, depends on how long you stay off of it.” you said, walking up to him. He groaned as he sat up on the cot.

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