Banishing - Ben

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A/N: I know Ben is a Builder in the books, but I’m going with Runner Ben as he appears in the movie. In this one, the reader is younger, around Chuck’s age. So I thought it would be really sweet if Chuck acted like a supportive brother too.

Warning: A little spoiler from the first Maze Runner book/movie.





My big brother Ben ruffled my hair while kindly smiling and I gave him a big hug.

“Be careful, Ben” I pleaded, my voice being muffled by the rumbling sound of the Doors of the Maze opening.

“Don’t worry, sis” He smiled at me one last time before he joined Minho and both of them ran into the Maze.

I let my eyes follow them until I lost sight of my brother and my friend. I sighed and turned around, ready to get my thoughts back on the Glade. I wanted to help Thomas, the Greenie, settle in.

“Hey, Y/N!” Chuck greeted me, and I immediately smiled at him. He was the youngest in the Glade, and I followed. He was my best friend, although everyone was incredibly nice to me, probably because I was ‘so tiny’ like they all said.

“Hi, Chuck!” I greeted him, walking away from the Doors as I tried to forget that my friends, my family, were risking their lifes in there at that very moment.

“I’m going to see Thomas, wanna come?” He offered, so I nodded and followed him.

“Isn’t Alby giving him the Tour right now?” I questioned, but Chuck shook his head, making his curls bounce.

“He just finished, and I want to hang out with him before Newt gets to him and tries to give him a job” Chuck mumbled as he walked beside me, looking around for Thomas.

There he was, walking around like a lost puppy. It was funny to see someone older than you seem much more clueless.

“There he is” I told Chuck, pointing my finger at the Greenie.

My friend nodded and walked faster.

“You know, I was thinking about scaring Gally” Chuck whispered, trying not to attract any attention towards himself.

He was always telling me about his little pranks.

“He’d kill you” It was no secret that Gally was always a little grumpy, and he wanted to annoy him on top of all?

Chuck just shrugged and finally reached Thomas.

“Thomas!” He greeted the older boy, who turned around when he heard his name being called.

“Hi, guys” The Greenie said in a monotone voice. He was probably still freaking out about the whole Glade/Maze thing.

“Hi” We cheerfully said at the unison.

“Are you siblings or something?” Thomas wondered, looking from Chuck to me.

I didn’t know why Thomas thought that. Maybe because we spent so much time together.

“No” Chuck answered him, laughing a bit. He found that idea hilarious, apparently.

“I’m actually Ben’s younger sister” I informed him, which seemed to surprise the Greenie.

In fact, no one would have known we were brother and sister if we hadn’t told them. We were very different, both physically and personality like. Still, we loved each other so much and got along perfectly well.

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