Walls - Alby

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I tilted my head to the side as I looked up to the enormous walls of the Maze.

Part of me was fascinated by it, and the other part was completely terrified of it.

I was close with Thomas, and I had told him about my secret desire to be a Runner. That maybe if I run it just once, I would see I was too scared to do it again.

But he told me that maybe once I stepped into it and watched the Maze for myself I would be yet too fascinated by it and would get over my fear to explore it.

Of course, he wasn’t the one that had to tell Alby all about it.

I adored that boy, and I really enjoyed spending time with him. We had a strange relationship, but we always got along.

Sometimes he acted like a brother that had to keep me safe, that had to make sure I was okay at all times. Sometimes he behaved like a friend that just wanted to have a chat and hang out, casually and without worries. Other times he behaved sweetly and a little affectionate towards me, hugging me or showing me any other gestures as such.

But most of the time he was just being the leader. Making sure that I didn’t break any rules, that I was safe and that I did my job and all that.

It was just that he was protective of me to the point that he would barely let me do anything, and it wasn’t fun that he was the leader because he was much more stressed than any of the Gladers. And that stress caused him to be even more concerned about me.

I knew the Glade could be a bit dangerous at times, but he was exaggerating a bit.

Still, I knew that there was no way he would let me become a Runner. None of his many facet would ever allow that.

But I knew that there was something I needed to tell him, even if I was prepared for his rotund no.

So as I glanced around the Glade looking for Alby, I ate my head to find the right words to confess such a thing.

How could I tell the most overprotective person I knew that I wanted to perform the most dangerous role in the Glade? How could I tell the leader, who cared deeply about me, that I wanted to be a Runner and risk my life every day going to the Maze?

“Hey, girl” His voice startled me a little because I hadn’t heard him getting closer to me.

“Alby!” I exclaimed, quickly turning around to be face to face. “I was looking for you”

“Well, here I am” He opened his arms as if presenting himself and then shrugged. “Did you want anything?”

“Um…” I began, nervously nibbling on my bottom lip. “Actually, I wanted to tell you something that’s been on my mind for a while”

“Go ahead, you shank” Listening intently, he stirred in place and crossed his arms over his chest calmly.

I stared into his eyes, trying to tell myself that the conversation didn’t have to go badly. Maybe if I explained it to him patiently he would understand.

Maybe he wouldn’t go all brotherly and leader like and freak out when I told him.

“You’re… you’re not gonna like it…” I didn’t really know how to begin, but I guessed that was not a good way to start.

His jovial expression changed and turned into his well-known scowl.

“Spit it out, Y/N” Alby sternly mumbled, pursing his lips together tightly. His way of saying ‘what did you do this time?’

I took a deep breath, bracing myself for the outburst he would have when I told him.

“I want to be a Runner” I told him in a rush, hoping that way it would soften the impact of my words.

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