Banishment - Newt

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Character: Newt

Warning: Smut

A/N: Yup, I’m coming back with full on smut bitches. So hide your phone from your grandparents because this is going to be a gooooood one ;)

Request: Could you please write one about your first time with newt and him being all cautious but you just want him to go crazy and then he does


Can you do a really cute Newt imagine where they’ve both been in the Glade since the beginning, and they have to have their first banishment of someone and they were both good friends with the kid banished and like he’s just comforting her?


I was sitting at the table full of Keepers, looking down at my lap and twiddling my thumbs together. I wasn’t paying attention to this meeting, and I felt like it was clear to everyone else that I wasn’t either.

We were all here because we had to figure out what to do with Kyle… Earlier today he attacked me. I was walking the perimeter of the glade when he ran out of the West entrance screaming my name, then jumped at me, knocking me over the first moment he saw me. Everytime I blinked I could see the crazed look in his eyes when he was trying to kill me. When I screamed for help I felt like no one would come to get me in time…and that Kyle would just kill me. That wasn’t the case though, Minho and Ben were on their way out of the maze when they saw Kyle strangling me. If it weren’t for those two I’d probably be dead.

“Well, what can we do?” Frypan asked the room full of Keepers. Everyone looked towards Alby – who’s face was just as lost as everyone else’s. This is when I was brought back into the conversation. I looked towards my left where Newt was sitting. He bumped my arm to get my attention. When I met his eyes I could see he was trying to ask me if I was okay. I silently nodded and looked back over at Alby.

“there’s only one thing we can do. We’re going to have to banish the shuck face.”  Alby answered. Murmuring broke out amongst the Keepers.

“Banish?” Zart asked.

“Get rid of, kick out so they can never come back.” Newt answered Zart. He turned his head to Alby. “We’ve never done a banishment before Alby, we don’t know what could happen. Are you sure this is the only thing we can do?”

“He broke the number one rule Newt. If we let this slide, then more and more Glader’s are going to lose respect for the rules.” Alby did have a point, we need to punish rule breakers, that’s just how it went here. But a banishment – that’s never happened before. We’ve only talked about what goes on in a banishment.

“He’s right.” I croaked out. I hadn’t said anything the whole meeting, my own voice felt foreign as I spoke. Newt’s head snapped over to looked at me in shock.

“I know but he is one of our best friends (y/n).” Newt said.

“No – Kyle was one of our best friends.” I told him. “Whoever tried to kill me out there was not Kyle. He’s not the same guy we know. It’s like he’s…he’s changed or something.”

The room went quiet after what I had told Newt.

“Then it’s settled then. Banishment happens at sundown.” Alby proclaimed.


The banishment went on like Alby said it would. I couldn’t pull my eyes away when I saw the way Kyle was acting when he was pushed into the maze. The screams I heard from him, the way he wailed when the collar was forced around his neck scared the klunk out of me.

But what scared me most was him screaming my name, trying to get me to stop it all.

“Please (y/n) please – PLEASE don’t let them do this to me!”

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