Wrapped Around Your Finger - Alby

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“Hey, you all right, Alby?” Your voice called out to the leader of the Glade, who was staring off into the distance with a dazed look. His face broke into a large grin as he turned to look at you, “Yeah, I’m fine, (Y/N). Why?”

You grinned back at your best friend in the Glade before chuckling, “Because you looked like a shuck psycho just staring off into the distance, that’s why.” Alby rolled his eyes as you shook your head and headed off to help the Gardeners with their harvesting and planting for the day.

You had no official job in the Glade, and you weren’t under the protection of any specific Keeper. So, you just helped all the other Gladers, switching jobs and doing whatever needed to be done from day to day. From your first day in the Glade, you were always under Alby’s protection. He didn’t like the idea of others being around you in such close proximity, and so he constantly was close by or kept you close by when things became uneasy.

You were also known as the ‘tough cookie’ of the Glade, because you never took anybody’s crap and you never let any of other boys push you around (especially Gally, who had tried multiple times but you brushed him off and shut him down pretty fast). You were witty and sarcastic towards those who tried to mess with you or with the others, and you could be sweet and caring towards the younger Gladers and the more sensitive ones as well.

“(Y//N), could you come help me with this basket? I’ve got another one I need to go get as well and I just need help getting everything back over to the kitchens,” Newt called out, and you dashed over quickly in order to help him out, “Absolutely! Go grab that other basket and let’s get going.”

Newt flashed a grin your way before heading off to go get his other basket, but unbeknownst to you, Newt had actually smiled at Alby’s facial expression behind your back, standing a little ways off. He was staring at you with a confused look on his face, and his head was moving from side to side as though he were debating something with himself.

Newt knew for a long time that Alby had feelings for you, but he was the only one who actually seemed to notice. That was probably because Newt spent the most time with Alby as his second-in-command, but all the same, Newt understood that Alby must’ve just realized that he truly liked you.

“About bloody time,” Newt chuckled quietly to himself, shaking his head as he retrieved his basket and headed back to where you were waiting for him, “Alright, let’s go!”

*****TIME SKIP*****

It was bedtime in the Glade, and you were walking with Chuck as you walked him to his hammock. He was so sweet and innocent, and he looked up to you like a younger brother would to his big sister.

“Hey (Y/N)?” Chuck piped up, stopping suddenly in his tracks. You stopped just as suddenly and turned to look at him in curiosity; the young boy had a bit of a thoughtful look on his face, as though he was contemplating something.

“Yes, Chuckie?” You encouraged him gently, causing Chuck to rub the back of his neck and look up at you, “Alby told me that he wanted you to go find him before you went to bed. He looked and sounded really shucking serious, so I don’t think it’s a good thing.”

“Oh,” was all you could say, before nodding and rubbing Chuck’s hair and thanking him and walking away from him as he settled down in his hammock and headed off to go find Alby.

Your stomach was churning and your heart was pounding; were you in trouble? Had you done something wrong? Endless thoughts bounced around in your head, but your heart was fluttering in your chest at the thought of seeing Alby. You liked Alby. A lot. You didn’t ever tell anybody or let it show, but you really, really liked him.

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