Flour Shower - Newt

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There was something going on in the Glade. No one knew who it was, but someone was pulling pranks on everyone. It had been going on for nearly two weeks now, a different prank on a different boy each day. Each day you became more cautious with your surroundings, you hadn’t been pranked yet but there was no way of escaping it, it was on its way. The only problem was you didn’t know who, when or how.

One morning, you were lying in bed with your boyfriend, Newt. You had your head on his chest as the two of you spoke.

“I’m scared!” You exclaimed as he laughed at you.

“It’s fine, Y/n/n. It’s just a prank. They might not even try it with you. Everyone in the Glade knows what you’re like when you’re in a bad mood.” He joked.

You shoved him in the arm, “Shut up.”

He just chuckled in response and kissed you on the head before getting up. You followed him and intertwined your hands before walking out of your room together. As you walked across the grass you scanned the Glade, looking for anything out of place.

“Y/n, love. Don’t worry about it.” Newt said, squeezing your hand and shaking his head.

“I don’t want it to be me next!” You said looking at him and laughing nervously.

You knew it was only a harmless prank but the thought of something just coming out of the blue scared you. You had no idea what to expect and it made you overthink it all. But Newt was right, you couldn’t live in hiding, you had to push it to the back of your mind.

You carried on with the rest of your day as usual. You ate breakfast then worked hard until lunch without any interruptions. The prank danger had moved to the back of your mind and you had completely forgotten to be careful around the other Gladers.

That was when you were hit. Frypan called you into the kitchen. You pushed open the door and a bucket of flour fell from the top, covering you head to toe in flour. Your mouth dropped wide as you coughed, the dust filling your lungs.

“FRYPAN!!” You screamed, loud enough for it to be heard across the Glade.

“It wasn’t me! I was buying my immunity.” He chuckled, looking at you, coated in white.

You turned around to go to the showers. Due to your scream, Gladers had wandered over. Although you weren’t exactly pleased to be covered in flour, you couldn’t help but smile. It was quite funny and was a very good prank. When you walked out of the kitchens, a small crowd had formed to see the latest prank. The boys laughed when they saw you, making you shake your head and cover your eyes in embarrassment, even though you were laughing too.

Newt approached you and could hardly speak because he was laughing so much.

“How are you laughing right now?!” You asked, wanting a bit of sympathy but assuming you looked absolutely ridiculous, “Look at me! I’m covered!”. You laughed as Newt looked at you and laughed again.

“I’m sorry, love. I can’t help it.” He replied, a wide grin spreading across his face.

You rolled your eyes and covered your face from all the sets of eyes. When you looked up you saw Minho looking at you with a smug grin.

“No way!” You exclaimed, “You shank!” You walked over to Minho.

When you got closer his face scrunched and he bent over laughing, clutching his stomach.

“Y/n? Can I just say you’re looking lovely today?” He winked at you.

“Unbelievable.” You tried to keep a straight face but a smile was itching at your mouth.

You purposefully barged his arm as you walked over to the Homestead, needing a shower.

“Love you, Y/n!” Minho called after you.

You didn’t look back but raised a middle finger at him as you walked away.

It took ages in the shower to get the flour out of your hair. No matter how many times you ran the comb through, more would be there. Although, this prank was nothing compared to what others had been through. Some had stuff put in their food, or bugs in their beds, you breathed a sigh of relief that you only had to deal with flour. Minho. You rolled your eyes. He was ridiculous.

You turned the water off and grabbed your towel. You walked through the Homestead and into your room. As soon as you walked in, something didn’t look right. You frowned as you tried to figure out what it was. You walked over to your drawers to put some non-floury clothes on and that was when you realised what had happened. All of your clothes were gone. The drawer was completely empty, not an item of clothing to be seen. You checked Newt’s drawer as well, hoping you could put on something of his but they were empty as well.

“That slinthead.” You muttered under your breath. Minho had doubled up on your torment and developed your prank even further.

You sighed deeply before gripping your towel tight and opening your bedroom door. You walked out of the Homestead and scanned the Glade until you saw him. Minho was talking to Newt. You started to walk across to them, your cheeks heating up at some of the comments and whistles from the other boys as they saw you in your towel.

When you got close, Minho and Newt looked up at you and laughed.

“Afternoon, love.” Newt chimed, looking you up and down and biting his lip slightly. He looked to Minho and they laughed.

“You were right, Newt. Stealing her clothes was a smart move. And I’m guessing you checked your boyfriend’s drawer as well didn’t you, Y/n?” Minho asked, raising an eyebrow at you.

Your jaw dropped in disbelief, “Newt?! You’re working with him? All that shit you gave me this morning saying don’t worry. You little shit.” You shook your head at him.

“Aw, I’m sorry Y/n/n. Give me a chance to explain.” He said, looking at you with his puppy dog eyes.

“Where are my clothes?” You pleaded, quickly becoming cold, stood in nothing but a towel.

“Newt, you know where they are. Y/n, you clearly didn’t look very hard.” Minho chuckled before strutting off.

Newt grabbed your free hand, leading you over to the Homestead. The two of you walked in the front door, Newt in front of you. He walked towards your room. Luckily, you were still behind Newt when he opened the door. That was because the same bucket that had been in the kitchen had moved and now fell above Newt. A shower of flour rained down on him, turning him into a ghost. You clapped a hand to your mouth and began laughing uncontrollably.

“MINHO YOU SLINTHEAD!!” Newt yelled out and then you heard Minho cackle outside the Homestead.

You laughed at your boyfriend. “Hilarious isn’t it?” You grinned at him.

He rolled his eyes at you and laughed.


“Yes, Newt?”

“Do you know what my favourite saying is?” He asked you, his face deadly serious.

“Huh? What are you on about?” You asked, extremely puzzled.

“Do you know?” He asked again.


“It’s sharing is caring.” He smiled mischievously. When you realised what he was up to, you tried to run but before you could even turn around, Newt grabbed you and gave you a huge bear hug, covering you once again in flour.

“Ughhh, Newt!” You narrowed your eyes at him.

“Oh no, Y/n. What a shame.” He said sarcastically, “I guess this means you’ll need a shower again. Although, looks like I’m covered in flour as well. I’m sure I’ll need one as well.” He smirked at you and kissed you on the nose.

“Hmmm.” You replied, laughing at how ridiculous he looked, covered in flour.

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