Secret Admirer - Minho

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Ever since I became a runner, I had a mental alarm for when I needed to get out of bed. It’s just some days my boyfriend, Minho, would rather be lazy, and stay in bed until the last possible minute. That’s where we were now, me being held against Minho because he does not want to get up.

“Min, as much as I would love to stay here in your arms all day, we can’t. The new greenie comes today, and you know what that means,” I whispered into his chest. I felt the vibrations of a chuckle coming from him.

“Gally’s drink,” he said with a mischievous smirk displayed across his features. “You really know how to bribe me, don’t ya?”

“I just know what you want, Min. Now, we need to get up before Ben comes burstin’ in here. Remember last time,” I stated quietly as I moved his arms from my waist and I began to get dressed in jeans and one of Minho’s shirts. I heard him groan before throwing his face into my pillow. I chuckled as I walked towards the door of our hut and said, “I’ll run by myself if you ain’t gettin’ up.”

“Hold your horses. I ain’t lettin’ you go by yourself ever. You get the food, and I’ll meet you at the doors,” he rushed while he jumped up from his place on the bed we shared. I stood by the door as I put my hair up, shaking my head at him, before attempting to turn and leave, but he reached out to grasp my forearm. He turned me to face him and dropped his forehead to mine as he kissed my nose lightly. “I love you.”

“I know,” I teased with a slight smirk as I kissed his cheek before turning to walk away. Just before I closed the door, I looked back at him. “Oh, I love you, too. Now, hurry up, we’re burnin’ daylight.”


When we ran through the doors of the Glade, we split off from Ben to get showered before the bonfire tonight. Minho had gone first while I waited and made small talk with Gally about the new greenie.

“So, tell me about the greenie,” I said excitedly. I always found it funny when I knew more about the newbie before I met them. Gally rolled his eyes as he pointed over to the Slammer where Newt was talking to someone inside. My eyes widened as I turned back to look at Gally. “He tried to run?”

“He’s a pretty fast one at that. I heard Newt and Alby talkin’ about makin’ him a runner or bringin’ him to you guys. I don’t think it’s a good idea since he just got here,” Gally said with an angry tone and a scowl stretched across his face.

At this point, I noticed Minho walking towards us. He was shaking the water out of his hair, but once he made eye contact with me, he nodded his head towards the showers; that was our code for “it’s clear,” since Minho did not want me showering in the same room as one of the other Gladers.

I smiled before turning to Gally, seeing him still glaring towards Newt and the greenie. “Your face is gonna get stuck like that if you don’t let up.” He offered a tight-lipped smile my way before rolling his eyes and walking away. “You better make us the mix!” He just turned back to face me, smiled, and nodded before turning back to go towards the kitchens.


Once I got out of my shower, it was already almost dark out. Minho was standing with Ben outside the showers, waiting for me. Once I was close enough, I pulled one of his arms away from his chest, which was previously crossed, and wrapped one around my shoulder.

“Let’s get drunk boys!” With that being said, we walked over to the pit where Gally was just starting to build the fire. “Need any help there?”

“You relax. If I need anything, I’ll make the greenie do it. Your drinks are over by the normal area,” Gally said as he pointed to the log that we all sit at; it has the best view of the fights.

I pulled Minho over to the spot while Ben went to get the drink. We decided to sit against the log, me sitting between his legs, and his arms wrapped around my shoulders and waist.

“So, what’s the news with the greenie?” He whispered into my ear as he laid his head on my shoulder.

“He tried to run first thing, Gally said he was pretty fast. Apparently, Alby and Newt wanna y’all to us to make him a runner,” I explained softly while turning my head to meet his eyes.

“A greenie being a runner? I’ll have to see him for myself. I don’t trust that shank one bit. Looks like we’ll be stuck here for a while if we decided to trust him,” he ranted as he hid his head in my shoulder. I laughed before turning in his arms to straddle his waist. I dropped my head to rest on his forehead and looked into his eyes.

“We’ll meet him soon enough. I’ll make sure Gally puts him in his place. Don’t you worry about a shucking thing, Min. Either way, more runners are always helpful,” I whispered and leaned down to connect our lips. He responded eagerly, pulling me closer to his chest.

“Okay, stop eating each other’s faces, that’s nasty,” Ben grimaced once he approached us. I, reluctantly, pulled away from his face.

“Ben’s right, enough with the public display of affections. We got booze to drink!” Gally exclaimed as he ran up behind us holding multiple mason jars of his special drink. I moved off of Minho to grab us both a bottle and moved to sit next to him. He grabbed his drink from my hands. I laughed at his impatience before turning my attention towards Ben who decided to tease us.

“That’s all they ever do in the maze!” Ben and Gally started laughing while I just chuckled and shook my head.

“You’re just a jealous piece of klunk,” Minho pointed out with a smirk, and he threw his arm over my shoulder again. I blushed and laid my head on his shoulder again. I took a sip of my drink before laughing at Gally’s comeback.

“No, but I think the greenie is,” Gally said as he pointed over at Newt and the newbie. “He’s been staring at you since you sat down.”

“Well, we gotta put him in his place then, don’t we, Min?” I said with a slight smirk. I bit my lip before looking up at Minho through my eyelashes. “He should know that I’m not available.”

With that out in the open, Minho grasped my face and pulled my lips to meet his in a fiery kiss. At first, I was shocked at his possessiveness but soon melted in his arms, holding onto his wrists. I was so caught up in the kiss, I could only faintly understand the sentences being thrown at us.

“What did we just say about PDA?!”

“We just had this conversation like five minutes ago!”

“Hey, Chuck’s just a little kid! He shouldn’t be seeing this!”

The last one made me laugh, so I pulled way. Minho would not let me get too far away, and our lips were still touching, barely. Breathlessly, I whispered, “You should kiss like that more often.”

“Oh, you mean like this?” He said softly back before connecting our lips once again, the same burning feeling returning.

I think the greenie got the point.


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