Weak spot - Gally

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Again. Another day in the Glade and another argument Gally had with someone.

I rolled my eyes and sighed as I waited for the yelling to stop. I liked Gally, I really did, but he was starting to annoy me for real.

We didn’t even talk. Just once when I was still a Greenie did we chat for a while.

From then on, we only spoke if it was strictly necessary to work or because someone asked me to fetch him. That was all.

Luckily, Gally didn’t pick on me. Maybe because Minho was my best friend and him and Gally disagreed too much.

Maybe it was about time that I started talking to him. Maybe mess with him and on top of all get him to stop telling people off.

I grinned to myself as I found a perfect way to do so and that would startled him. That would be fun.


Gally’s shouts could be heard all over the Glade. He was picking on the new Greenie again.

I looked over at Newt, who was watching Alby as he walked towards his second in command.

“Who is it this time?” Alby tiredly asked as he stopped in front of the blond.

“No bloody idea”

“We need to intervene”

Newt just sighed and held his fist up in the air. His friend did the same.

Alby nodded and they played rock paper scissors.

I laughed at the sight of the leader and the second in command deciding who was going to take care of that in that way.

“Boys” I interrupted them just as Newt was using scissors and Alby rock.

They looked at me, surprised.

“I think it’s time to use a new technique” I smugly said, completely sure that my little plan would work perfectly.

“Great” Newt piped up. “Any bloody brilliant ideas, Y/N?”

“As a matter of fact, yes” I began to walk towards the racket that Gally was causing.

“Y/N, wait!” Alby called me, but I ignored him.

Newt must have been really curious about what I wanted to do, because he stopped Alby as he tried to follow me.

Guiding myself with the annoying yelling, I soon found Gally.

The Greenie put up with the scolding, exasperated and fed up as he waited for it to finish.

“There you are, Gally!” While he was still facing his back to me, I threw my arms around him in a big hug.

Shocked, he stopped yelling at the new Greenie.

The brown-haired boy looked at me with wide eyes. What was his name again? Ted? Toby? Thomas?

“What?” Gally uttered, turning around to look at me in astonishment.

“Hi” I sweetly smiled at him, batting my eyelashes flirtatiously.

I rested my chin on his shoulder as I hugged him tight.

“What are you doing?!” Gally yelled, a tad angry.

However, when I slightly pulled away to glare at him he was blushing.

I heard a few discrete chuckles and snorts coming from our friends. The Gladers were sure enjoying Gally’s embarrassment.

“I’m hugging you, silly” I shrugged one shoulder, not letting my smile falter.

“I can see that” To my surprise, even if his voice was firm and annoyed, he didn’t push me away. “I meant why?”

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