she's so pretty

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Raven's pov:-
We sat down to eat her cookies. They were delicious. Kai was grinning. Which was weird. This must be so weird for him. This must be so good for him.

"I need to make my plan, aunt I need some materials." I stand up and reach for another cookie.

"Why can't you just. Not do it. What if it backfires. What if. You do understand this is a suicide mission. If you kill Voltaire and prove yourself... You'll become... " Aunt covers her face with her hands and tears start forming.

Kai has become so much more expressive as his face shows confusion and worry.

"What will she become?" He asks as I sigh

"Michael and I share this huge amount of power. It keeps me half human. If I do prove myself and I get all of my power. I'll become inhumane. I probably won't stay here anymore and I will be void of feelings becuase I am a bridge between demons and angels who still can feel things but I can only be rational. " I look down. He's clutching the sofa covers ," I want to free Michael. That's why I'm doing this. It's not fair to him. Even though we are cool with this entire bond like knowing each and everything else we are doing becuase we must, it's just .. well... I feel guilty"

"Does Michael even want this?" He asks.

Does he?

"Raven" he makes eye contact with me and holds my knee,"we can go.. we can go kill Voltaire if you want. But in no way. In no way are you leaving us again. Michael wouldn't want something that harms you. He adores you. Even he wouldn't be able to live without you. This is not done."

"Rae, that's what I've been trying to tell you. I don't want you gone. No matter what happens you are the most important person to me and it's not cool that you'll just disappear. We can take this burden together. I know you are meant to be the oh great immortal most powerful being. But we love you. Don't do this. You've sacrificed your entire life. You need some human time. " Michael spoke to me through telepathy.

"Michael.. are you crying?" I ask,"Michael, did I hurt you?"

"Rae I'm sorry I'm not gonna break this bond. This will be so weird. It's like a part of me will be gone. And you.... Fuck... Fuck... You're my blood and body and mind ... And I damn well know I'm your everything too. It's like cutting off a hand"

He couldn't take it anymore so he teleports to me.

Kai is shaken, aunt and uncle aren't.

"Michael do you mean it?" I cry as I hug him.

"You're looking pretty " he smiles," and yes I do. There are so many people who love you. We're not ready for something like this. Please just. Forget all this. I know your pain is too much and you'd love to take revenge but everything Is going peacefully now. Let's just calm down." He looks down at me and his face is the opposite of what he trained his face to be. It's like an open book now. He doens't really show emotions, I just read his mind but now I see it. He really is hurt.

"Raven, I know you wanted this but that was before you made friends and this time, oh god this time, Kai, you better be good to her, because this time you hurt her, you will die the most painful death", he looked at that guy with so much pain rather than anger that tears started falling off Kai's eyes. Mike picks me up and just hugs me in the air as I pat his head.

We're all so traumatised. I want to cry too.

Kai's pov

"We should probably give you some privacy", mom says and nudges dad to move who was sniffling too.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2023 ⏰

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