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Kai's POV-----------

"Mr Hiwatari , do u even know how to ride a bike?", Raven mocked me as she put on her helmet.

" Most certainly "

"Well, how bout a race!!!!!" She cried a little too excitingly but I sudeenly remembered her riding skills.

"No, I don't even know the place well, and... " I couldn't bring myself to tell her that she's better than me because of my pride


"OK fine, I admit it, you're amazing at riding, obviously better than me, I can't win against you", I put on my helmet as I heard her laugh out.

The ride was not long but it was beautiful with delicious smells and the aura of peace and love was present. Soon we reached the place. I was amazed at the house or should I say palace we were staying in. All around the park(more like forest) was of 20 miles with natural streams flowing out here and there and the house was 5 story with white and glitter blue paint on the outside shining like anything. It was not those old palaces type of house, it was recently built with many modern facilities. There were 2 swimming pools, boats for the streams , helipad, fountains here and there, but what caught the attention of the guys were the... Cars!!!!! This girl owns at least 50 Ferraris I'm sure. Her garage was almost as big as the bba headquarters!! There was also a green house with all types of birds in there. We were speechless...

All at once our party exclaimed," Now this is what you call richness ". Everyone was too busy to laugh as every little speck of dust seemed like gold. We were so busy viewing the outside that Raven had to cry out," Guys!!!!!!!!! Get inside!!!"

But little did any one paid attention to her.. Except me while she groaned and spoke out,"You get to pick your rooms, come quick or only the attic will be left!!!! "

That oughta bring those monkeys in. And sure it did. I think there ought to be at least 50 rooms, how can the attic be chosen as a room?

As Will opened the main door using a password and fingerprint scan, a big white wolf jumped on Raven. To be honest, we were scared to death and Luna jumped down from my arms near the wolf. It seemed as it was licking Raven.

"Aww, I missed you too Arty!!!", she said as the wolf at last allowed her to stand up and she looked at us " Guys, this is Artemis "

"Um... OK"

"Hi.. Oh my god..

" Keep her away pleaseeee"


"I'm sure Arty's a good good little wolf right?"

The reactions of our group made her laugh again and damn... When she laughs, I feel a shiver down my spine, not the scary way, but in a pleasurable way.

We went in while Will took Artemus and Luna away due to Kenny, Hillary, Tyson, and Max's panic.

"OK, I probably didn't mention it before but I have customized rooms for all of you on the 1st floor, your names are written on the door" she smirked as everyone was agape and accused her of lying bout the attic thing.

Inside, there were more stuff to be surprised at but every one was busy occupying their rooms.

The rooms on the first floor was already snatched and I didn't find one with many name so I went to the second floor. Not here also.

I searched around for Raven for an explanation and soon I found her going upstairs to the penthouse room from the opposite staircase. I followed her on the staircase closest to me and when I reached the fifth floor we bumped into each other.

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