No! Not Her!!

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Kai's POV----------

"Who does she think she is?", someone said behind me.

"Yeah, her size is so small I can just squish her", replied a female.

" Calm down, okay she was being rude but we can't judge her right away", said a blonde haired guy.

"Well, who the hell is she?", asked a tall black haired neko.

Who is she? Why in the back of my mind I think it's that nameless girl? It can't be her right? She has a different hair. Calm down Kai it's not her.

    The others chatted more about her and finally we went into the hall and had some peace. But the one thing I heard from Tyson was that he'll fight her soon. Good idea, Tyson.

After the meeting----------

This is unacceptable! Such a.......I just don't know what to think. I walked out of the hall and to the washroom. Aagh! Why does she keep turning up? Who is the hell is she? Damn! Why do I feel scared just looking at the her?

" You have such a cool hair! ", Max said to our 'new coach'. She looked at him with her mouth open.

" Haha! You're such an idiot!", she burst out laughing sarcastically. Something's not right.

"Hey! What's the thing to laugh? He complemented you and..........", Hillary stopped as our coach did something unexpectable.

" No way! ", the others shouted," It's a wig?"

"The best ever created. Technology, kids. Technology", she replied as she took off her wig completely revealing curly - wavy black brown hair with a few purple locks. No!

" Who are you calling kids? How old are you anyway? ",asked Tyson. She ignored him and went off the hall as thee meeting finished.

" Hey! I asked you something", he shouted at her. I could feel her frustration rising as she turned back to face him. Tyson looked a bit scared.

"I'm 16, now if you ask another.....", she was cut off by Max," What!? You're only 16? How come you're our coach at this age?" I wouldn't have done that.

"Well then, Coach! I wanna have a match with you, don't run away, Kay?", said Tyson As she started getting angrier. Fools.

"I can't now, tomorrow, I swear I'll make you cry", she said through her gritted teeth and went away.

" We'll see about that! Tomorrow morning! ", he shouted back.
No! I don't like her a bit.
End of flashback*******
" Taking care of Luna? ", a shrilling voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I looked back at the 5feet 1 girl( that's what I think her height is).

" Hn",I replied. Ask her questions, Kai.


"Don't bother asking stuff. Tomorrow at 5am,sharp",she said
closing up near me. Whoa! Does she really read minds? We both could sense the awkward situation so she went away mumbling some stuff. I sighed.

" Kai! Let's go have lunch somewhere, aren't you hungry? We didn't even have breakfast properly", shouted Max all of a sudden creeping up from the back.

"Yes.", I replied as I saw the others joining us. Tyson looked angry while Ray was busy laughing. Kenny's glasses fell down and Hillary scolded him for being careless. Tyson picked up Kenny's glasses and ran around in circles followed by Kenny. Everyone was laughing and I smiled. Hmm, this is my family now. Let me not get reminded of my past and enjoy this moment.

After lunch»»»»
I went back to my 'new' house that I bought not that far from Tyson's. It was quite late than what i thought it would be ,almost 6.
I collapsed on the bed as Luna meowed on my presence.

" How has your day been, cutie?", I asked stoking her soft fur. I looked at the mess made by her. She purred softly and sat down on my lap.

"OK, naughty. You sleep while I clean up this mess", I said as I picked her off my lap and placed her on her personal pillow in a huge basket. She rolled on it, curled herself up and closed her grey eyes. I placed her litter box nearby and put some more food and water in her bowl. I put an alarm on 4:30am next morning. Then I started cleaning up.

It took some time and I decided to study a bit but my mind was wandering off. I promised I'd search for you today but something came up. Could you wait for me?I'm....s... sorry. I didn't have anymore time to think as my eyelids dropped and I dozed off.

Yo! How'd ya guys doing? It's a pretty short chapter (sorry for that) but I was kinda busy being .......lazy. Yaah! I'm just too lazy to study or do work. 😋😋😋😅😅😅 the next one will be of more words. I promise. At least more than a 1000.
This chapter words::750? I think?

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