Things aren't normal

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Kai's POV----------

Dear diary,

I don't think about Chris anymore........


Its been two days since our stay here in Paris, things are going almost normal. NOT! We spent these two days in Youth, the name of her mansion. We discovered that there's also a horse ranch here, a butterfly park and an almost tiny zoo with many animals. She's a naturalist I see. Arty's now almost familiar with me(maybe)and loves Luna who's right now trying to sleep I think, but us unable to, cutie. Everyone's way too happy to be honest, making me think it's the calm before the storm.
Well, that's the normal part, what's not normal is Raven. Or should I say me. The first day was...!! I actually kissed her neck, because that smells so good, she literally smells like a God! And her lips if you call slight pecking a kiss. And she saw me clad only in a towel... Haha... No... No haha... Guess what the night was like? We were so tired, we couldn't get up from bed and everyone slept in. Jet lag. That's normal
The next day was weirder, she's teasing me and I can't get over it. She was absent the entire day , Will said she had some work to do, I wonder what work she actually does to earn this much, it's even more than what actors and some business men earn. Then at around 10:00 pm knocked at my door saying she wanted to go to a nightclub together but but but... She wasn't alone, there was this guy with her with whom she probably spent the entire day :((((( So yeah, this guy is almost as tall as me, black wavy haired with a gross looking mullet, has a high nose and ugly cheekbones, I'm so much more handsome than him. Then that Michael or Mickey mouse guy or whatever decided not to go, which was great! Raven begged him to come and he still disagreed and she said,"Wow, it's the first time you said no to me huh? " she seemed a little upset but then he stopped down to kiss her she got her usual self again and at that time I was........ ydytsrgsytsygfuouyucuyxciyuggiydydoufihcvkjustywiyuiciuxuovoucicovgoccf

I can't explain that feeling. I felt so stupid when they were staring at each other and sometimes giggling ....for 5 whole minutes. Excuse me? I'm here? Are you guys talking telepathically or what huh?

Then I actually said "Can you guys show your love someplace else?" Which was a good sentence at a good time as that guy, Michael left my room and Raven and I got dressed and went out.

Damn wasn't it fun. She doesn't like dancing but we talked and drank a lot, about Michael, where she was the entire day, and... Those unanswered questions of mine.. Which she still refused to answer.

And then I got crazy and kabe-don ed her against the wall, it was a private enough space and I caught that quick blush in her face which immediately disappeared.

"I wonder, when are you going to tell me, how you know so much about me? Did u stalk me, huh? ", I asked in the most seducing way possible for me to which she just giggled.

" The day is gon come soon, flirty boy", she smirked, not half as seducing as I was but it crushed me.

I pulled her towards me but i stopped remembering that she has a boyfriend. She giggled again at my situation which sent those shivers to my spine and I couldn't control myself anymore. I bent down and softly pressed my lips on hers. She seemed to enjoy it, so I slid in my tongue, one hand playing with her hair and the other holding her tight. Honestly ,that was the best feeling my life.. And all best feelings come to an end quickly. She pushed me away and said it's late and I stepped back, normally I wouldn't care and god knows if I'd end up doing it, to her, but the fact she has a lover spun in my mind continuously.

We returned to Youth as it was almost 1:30 in the morning only to find the other not in bed, but in the pool splashing in the warm water. We joined too, Michael wasn't there though. We actually had a really fun midnight pool party haha and then......

I lifted my pen from the diary as I heard a little yelp coming from the other side of the room. My room was dark and the with only one bedside lamp on for writing. I felt weird, and the only thing I could see in the unlit room was the digital clock in read reading 2:30 am. Scary. Nope, not scary, maybe it's just Luna.

"Luna?", I called out to that black and white cat but I got no response. OK, is she finally asleep or what?

I stood up, turned on the lights, went to the balcony, only to discover a long black haired girl with cat ears sitting on the grass under the moonlight.

I shouted," WHAT THE HELL???"

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I shouted," WHAT THE HELL???"

She looked back panicked, her green eyes widened up. Strangely I should've been the one most scared but it was her instead.

", you're awake? Um.. Miss Raven will kill me now, oh my god, what do I do!!!!?", she hurried from one corner to another while I was dumbfounded and not thinking straight at all. Within seconds Raven appeared in my room, I don't know how. The door was locked and we were in fifth floor so no climbing and she seemed angry. She saw my shocked face and then her eyes got red as soon as that I started feeling tired and sick, and the last words I heard were " Damn you Lunette!" A crashing sound,mthe voice of a male and a bloodcurdling cry before I fainted.

Raven's POV----------

God this little demon.

"Master Michael! Miss Raven! I'm so sorry!!", she wept on her knees acting all cute.

" Ah it's OK, my dear Luni",getting up from his fall which broke a glass vase but falling for cuteness again.

"Ah yes!" , she smiled, all her tears gone.

"Little demon", I picked her chin with my finger and gave her a venomous look," Do you think, I'll let you go that easily? "

"Waeehh", she started sobbing again and Mike just laughed.

" Why are you laughing!!! ", I asked angrily.

" Because I know, you're actually glad something like this happened, it just made it easier for you to tell him right? ", he ruffled my hair which made me smile for as millisecond.

" Really huh? Then I should get a reward? ", Luna asked, though she was a cat demon, she could make puppy eyes very effectively.

" Yea and do you know what your gift is????"

"A diamond collar?? Or will it be 1000 cans if dried fish??? Uwu I'm exited!!!!!"

"Well, its just a small gift", I smirked as Mike tried to stop laughing.

" What is it?What is it????", her green eyes were more eager than ever.

"A month of cleaning to do"


Darling don't you know, nothing is ever fair... Kai , you'll soon know, who you actually are...

Author's POV--------

And I though lockdown and quarantine will give me time... NNOO IT'S NOT!! ITS TAKING AWAY ALL MY TIME!! WE HAVE classes from 9 to 5 and then millions of home works, and of course a nagging mother, the task of being healthy and thin at the same time, watching kdrama, learning new sings, painting, keyboard, chores... I'm so sorry this took time seriously I'm really sorry, anyways stay safe, hole u lie this chapter

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