Another Perfect Girl

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Kenny's POV-----------

The blade breakers.... They have so many secrets now, Max is always smiling to himself, Ray has problems which he doesn't discuss, Tyson was sad, I knew the reason but he found hope somehow, who gave him? And Kai of course! He acts just the way he is always but I swear something's bothering him cuz he looks so drunk and helpless, what is it?.......

The common thing between their secrets that.... It has everything to do with girls.




Not beyblades anymore....

Not rivals....

Not championships....

Not bit beasts.....

How am I supposed to feel about that? They're growing up, I see that but me?

I feel a bit lonely....

Things aren't like before...

Sleepovers, parties ,being together, having fun..... I was the one they came to listen to advice....

Now, it's changing, they're even taking tuition classes with their coach.... I feel like I mustn't even be here, what work do I even have ?

And the fact that.......

"Watch out! "

A blinding light reaches me and then CRASH! I staggered back and fall down and  could hear the sweet faint voice of a girl. But soon after I collapse and my eyes shuts up........

Tala's POV -----------

Ever since the episode in the cafeteria, Kai has been trying to pursue Chris all the time. He follows her everywhere, makes a fool of himself when Chris turns his tricks on him and  comes to beat me up when she spends a hell lotta time with me.
Kai... Chris... What will I do with you two? Two very stubborn idiots...

I knocked on Kai's door and he opened a while later. He motioned me to follow him and I noticed that his apartment is very big and comfy and has like 3 bedrooms.

"Kai, I thought you said your house is too small", I ask stupidly as we entered the kitchen and the I sat on the counter beside the kitchen sink.

" Don't sit there Tala, I have chairs you know and of course it's not big enough, I have Luna here too", he replied cuddling his black and white kitten, "You haven't met her ,have you?"

"I did... for a while at your birthday, remember? She's bigger now", I started patting her head when I realize my face is way too close to Kai's. I retreat immediately and hit my head on the cabinet.

" Ow! Ow! Ow!"

Instead of bursting out laughing like a normal person or being concerned, he had this expressionless face on him.

" Seriously? Ouch! It really hurts", I rubbed my head and jumped off from where I was sitting. Kai sighed, put Luna down on her cute basket and touched my head ,"I know I doesn't hurt or if it does then just put up with it. "

Talk about being cold!

"Oh whatever Kai, BTW get to the point, what are you gonna do tomorrow? It's her last day in our school then she's returning back to New York ", I ask in this worried tone and took Luna on my lap while she purred so softly it made me feel at peace.

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