Happy Blondie or embarrassed Russian?

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Max's POV-------------

It's been almost a week since the 'great thing'. I didn't see her but her last words keep echoing in my head---------------

"Haha, are you joking little boy? ", she laughed as we finished dinner and got out of the restaurant, " Oh look it's gonna rain".

There were indeed thunders but the rain didn't start. I took a deep breath and sputtered out my feelings.

"I'm not joking OK? I love you. Like anything... I murmur your name in my dreams.. I think about you every day before I wake up.... It's hard staying away from you.... You're a like a dream about rainbows and unicorns, only better with beyblades and blue hair.... You're like a dream which is hard to fulfil..... Which is just a distant wish.... You're the thing that makes my heart beat.... I was obsessed with beyblades before but now, no , you, you take up my time..... You're my alpha , my omega..... You're my platinum, my diamond , my light.... The thought of you keeps me going..... I..",

" I'm.. I'm gonna stop you right there Max.... Tha..that was....wow. I truly have nothing to say but...", she cut in still not believing me.

"BUT what? REALLY? I'll give you happiness, love , care , everything that no one else can give... ", I gasped, my heart beating like crazy.

" Max... I really care about what you said. I care about your feelings.... But what about Garland? I..I can't just cheat on him or something.. You should know better, anyways.. You're a high school student and me?.. I'm a college girl... There are consequences.. ",she replied in her soft tone of voice.

" I don't need to hear that.. Just tell me one thing.. Do you love me back? Am I worth of you? ", As simple as that I asked her while she took her time to reply.

" Y..yes Max, I love you too, " there was an amazing shade of pink forming on her cheeks, " But.. It's too early now, it's better you and I forget about this conversation. You must be..be patient, graduate. "

"Will you wait for me? Won't you be..tired of me? ", I turned to her and looked directly into her eyes and and rain got us but we still stood where we were.

" Yes, Max. I'll wait. No one gets tired of waiting for a loved one"

I hugged her tightly. I don't know who's heart was beating faster. But I do know that the sound of the heartbeat was louder than the clashing thunders................

"Eey? Maxie, why are smiling like a fool? Aren't you really getting creepily happy nowadays? I mean the happy person should be Ray, who finally is the first one of us to have a girlfriend", Kenny brought me out of my thoughts.

" Heee, it's nothing. I think I'm going crazy ",I laughed while Kenny just rolled his eyes.

" Yes, yes you are",he went away which made me think about Ray's current situation.

What's up Ray, you really don't look that happy as you should be.

Kai's POV---------------

OK... Possibly right now....my life... Is going way too good or way too bad...

I look sideways to see Chris at the last corner of the class yawning and busy talking with the boys about beyblades and how because of Star lord's possessiveness over Gamora, everyone died including her all time favourite Tony Stark in end game.(spoiler alert for those unlucky ppl who didn't get a chance to watch it)

And she didn't look at me not even a single time.. As if I don't exist......

"Hey! ", a certain red haired boy looked at me with a grim face," You gonna talk to her or be like ' I-hope-she-talks-to-me-first-but-I- know-she-won't' ? Kai, she's totally not gonna talk to you first with that pride of hers but I know she came here just to see you.... I mean why would she, a girl full of pride , come back to a loved one who left her all alone ? Cause despite what you did..... She still likes you... You do too ".

The bell rang , the teacher and the students went out and so did she. I sighed and had to digest his words a bit and then I turned to leave without answering him, you know, being myself but he stood in front of me and murmured," She's only here for a week... Two days have passed, four days left. This chance will never come back. It's your choice."

"Tala..... You will never understand that....."

" Not understand what? Huh? How much you hurt her? How much you got hurt after leaving her? About your regrets? I was present there Kai!! WHAT will I not understand, I've been your best friend for a long time, don't think of me as a kid, don't think I don't feel you. I just...just want to help you...but do you ever listen?
I quit Kai... You're not the king of the world so I quit... It's so f**king difficult to be your friend that I wanna give up,"He paused and took a deep breath.

Really? I didn't know I was that hard to be with... I barely talk to people... How can my silence be hard on people? His words actually.... Hurt... Hurt a lot...

Silence pervaded us and a Tala's angry face turned to grief.

"K..Kai, I didn't mean it... I'm sorry. I don't know what I was talking about. You..you're a great friend", he sighed again frustratingly," But, she's a friend too.. I ..I just want the best for both of you... If you ignore her, she'll forever be a distant memory".

"Tala , get out of my way!", I shouted trying to go forward but he held on.

"Kai..please", he moaned.

" Well, won't you let me go and talk to her?," I asked smiling. Way to go, Kai. Nice trick!!

His frown broke into a caring smile ,"That's more like it ". He patted my back and I left the classroom.

Now, what do I do? I mean Tala is right... But... I guess I'll wait...No..I can't do that.... Calm down calm down calm down calm down...

I head to the cafeteria and the first thing I see is Chris laughing with a boy and eating out if the same plate. OK, that got me. I can't stay calm anymore.

I rush to their table and without thinking and slapped that guy as hard as I could. The boy feel back and the entire cafeteria had their eyes on me. The guy was enraged and stood up to punch me but stopped in middle as I gave him 'The look'.

I hold his collar and whispered," Stay away from her or..." . He was way too scared and scoot off like an idiot.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?". Oh boy ! Now I need to talk to her! In front of the entire cafeteria.

I turned to face the enraged 5'1 girl who didn't look 5'1 anymore.

"Well, answer me ? " she shouted again..

"You look taller.. Going to the gym? ", I asked as casually as I could but seriously.. When you have the entire cafeteria of teenaged eyes looking at you and you need to talk with... Goddammit.

" Are you making fun of me in front of the entire, large student body? Well, you're so gone,Mr  Stranger", she raised her fist and punched me right on the face.

Oww, Mr stranger and now this?

"Hooray for Chris! Hooray for Chris! Hooray for Chris! ", everyone cheered and laughed at me and I saw Tala hanging his head and face palming himself.

Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!

Oh, I'm gonna get you moron! I'm totally killing Tala.


I won't give up , girl. Your mine again by the end if this week

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