I'm pregnant...

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OK, I just opened Instagram and you can message me there more frequently ~~ w_o_l_v_e_r_i_n_e_21

See ya, hope you enjoy this chapter

Kenny's POV---------

The first thing that hit me when I woke up was a limey smell and then.... The pain in my head... I opened my eyes to see a furry little kitten on my chest and a million blurred people.

"Hospital?", I try to analyze the room but my vision was too blurry.

" Hey! Hey! He's awake!!", a cherry voice booms out of the silence followed by more chatter and sobs.

"Stop shouting ! ", a mature voice stops the chatter but the sobs go on. I feel a warm hand on mine and other big one on my head. Someone puts my glasses on my face and picked the sweet kitten up.

" Kai? ", I ask using every bit of my strength to utter the word.

Kai shifts back with his kitten stroking it softly while I see the other blade breakers surround me, they smile so brightly it makes me happy too.

" I told you kittens are healers", said a bold musky voice, Tala?

" Guys? W..what happ..enned?", I asked but it hurt less now.

The warm hand which gripped me earlier had gone tighter, I didn't even see who the person was," Ssh. It's OK, your parents will be here soon," she glares at some girls behind her who drop their heads," And some people owe you so they HAVE to take care of you. You'll be fine, I promise", her smile is flattery, and her voice is like a soothing father, threatening the ones who hurt me but unexpectedly, I don't remember who this tomboy is.... But wait... Those clothes, that hair... It's the coach?

"We should give him some rest", she smiles and stands up but I already started missing her hand. There were like a dozen people in the room. I didn't know I had so many friends... Woah....

" Please, don't leave me" I say as nicely as I can..

"Stupid, we're not leaving you"

"Hey, Kenny. How's it going bro?"

"You are a total man dude!! If I were in you're place, I would die!"

"Stop it Tyson..Kenny, don't worry, you'll be outta this stink hoke in no time", consoled Hillary

"You're one to talk, you guys hit him with your car"

Surprisingly, she doesn't shout back at him. Behind her a handful of girls I know turns up with their heads drooped.. Ming ming, Mathilda, Julia, Salima , Mariam, Emily, Mariah.... Everyone.

"I think this is the place where you , bloody bitches sit on your knees and beg for Kenny to forgive y'all, which he never should but he will cuz he's a good guy. You drunk girls have no education, if it was someone else hurt , y'all would've been in jail! You're so damn lucky" our coach scolds them in her spine chilling voice and keeps on till they sit on the ground and fold their hands and say sorry. And at the corner of the room , the boys are laughing and making videos.. Well, it is kinda...

"Haha", I start laughing but regret immediately as pain hits my chest.

" We're so sorry!! " the girls repeat. This is actually hilarious!

"Will someone tell me what actually happened? "

"These girls were having a nasty girls party out, got drunk and then drove like crazy and bumped into you", said coach in the her most sarcastic tone, " Oh and one of them, the driver I suppose will be your personal servant for a month". She smirks and looks over to Emily. Emily... My servant, she? The proud tech gal who is by far, amazing?. Wow, that's not nice at all.

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