First day of training.

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The next day---------
Coach/ mysterious girl POV---------------
I could hear birds tweeting and I felt warm. Annoying sunshine! Leave me alone. I turned over and peeked opened my eyes. Hmm, it's only 4:55, I'll wake up at 8. I closed my eyes again but a horrible thought passed my mind.

Aagh! There's practice today.... I'm late!!!!! I jumped out of the bed and ran into the bathroom. I turned on the shower and put my brush inside my mouth. I dried up and put on a sweatshirt and jeans. Wow! This gotta be the world record for getting ready in two minutes....I should be famous.

I took my mask and ran to my rooftop. I ordered the driver of my helicopter to take me there with the full speed. I glanced at my watch which read 5:02am. Dammit! What're they gonna think of me?

Kenny's POV------------

I saw Kai, Max,Daichi and Ray on the beach. I ran towards them as they stood with their hands crossed.
"Sorry I'm late. Guess I'm not the only one", I panted as I noticed Tyson missing.

" Haha, not only Tyson is late but our new coach too! The is fun ", replied Max.

" Hear that.... Helicopters, she's coming ",said Ray and we nodded.

" Where is Hillary? She didn't come?", I asked looking around and not finding the caramel haired girl.

"Exams are coming up. She's studying", replied Ray.

" Who cares bout exams? What are exams?? Hey look Tyson! ", shouted Daichi ,"At last lazy boy". Tyson can!e up and joined us.

At the same time a helicopter landed on the beach a few meters ahead. Our coach came out of it wearing a hoodie and jeans? What? I didn't know she did have any normal dresses.

"Hey coach? You're late", said Daichi. She came over and mumbled something.

" Remember our match? I thought you were scared so ya didn't come ", asked Tyson after taking huge breaths. She smirked.

" If you want to lose badly, get ready. Your bey might be crushed", she replied and took out her launcher and fixed her beyblade. Nice launcher, it's tons better than Tyson's.

"I don't care even if you have a fancy launcher and beyblade but............",

" OK, let's play fair", she cut Tyson's words and dropped both her beyblade and launcher. Instead she took out another beyblade and launcher. It was smaller and looked useless. What's she trying to prove?

"Ready? Let it rip!", they both shouted and shot off their beyblades.

" This must be easy for Tyson, he has battled more experienced people but I don't have much data bout our coach ", said Dizzy as she analyzed the match.

Tyson seemed to playing aggressively but our coach was standing with her hands crossed and closed eyes. She is no normal person, but if she does this, she might lose. What a mysterious girl!

Crack!! Katang! I was bought out of my thoughts thinking Tyson won the match but surprisingly Dragoon flew out of the disc with heavy damages. I could feel the silence and shock on Tyson's face.

He went near Dragoon, kneeled over it and picked it up. If Tyson's beyblade has this much damage then what about her? It seemed useless.

I turned over to see her beyblade which was still rotating until she picked it up and sighed. It's almost fine? No way, this is magic!

" Tut-tut. Is it that easy to defeat a three times world champion? ", she walked over Tyson who was really angry by the looks of it.

" How is it possible? Her's is a normal beyblade how can it cause this much damage? Dizzy tell me how this happened", I asked.

Dizzy started to blabber something but I don't know why I paid less attention. I was busy lookin at Tyson and coach. He was on the ground with his beyblade in his hands while she was looking over him with a smile. Not the evil kind she always has but this was kinda I don't know, sister-ish?

"Get up loser. Gotta work on y'all", she said and took Dragoon from his hands," Don't argue. I can fix it".

"I'd rather give it to Kenny, I don't trust you", he replied trying yo snatch his beyblade from her but she was too fast , she dodged him and Tyson fell flat on his face.

" Whatever. I'm your coach, trust me. Your capitaine did", she replied in a French accent which was perfectly perfect.

We all looked over at Kai who nodded," Maybe ".

"I don't believe it! Kai, you gave her your Dranzer?", he asked rubbing his face and got up from the floor. Kai looked uneasy.

" I.. ", he started to say something but our coach cut in.

" Tell me Four eyes, how long would it take for ya to fix it? I'll do it in 1/100th of that time". Who is four eyes?

She looked at me, then I realized she called me four eyes. She twitched her lips making herself look more scary.

"T..two d..days, maybe?",I stuttered avoiding her face.

"Don't call Kenny four eyes! I'll give you Dragoon but prove that you can fix it in the least time possible", replied Tyson.

" You can't gimme that cause I already have it ", she laughed as she played with the beyblade in her hands, she put it in her pocket and became serious again , " Now back to training! ".

Time skip----

Tyson's POV----------

" It's been three hours! The training pattern is ........I don't know, great! I'm sure y'all will improve a lot", Kenny said smiling at us, all on the beach ground  ," Time for another break, I guess".

"Yeah, like heck", replied Tyson," Where's Hillary again?".

"Tyson, how many times have I told you, she's studying for exams", replied Max and passed Ray the water bottle.

" I see" ,. Why do I think that she's ignoring me? We really aren't on good terms. Does it even matter now?

"Hey! Blue hair, here's your Dragoon, better than new", someone shouted not in a cheerful way. This voice, it sends shivers to my spine. So devilish? Why?

I looked behind me to see a girl about 4'10 wearing a mask and handling me Dragoon. I grabbed it from her and saw it was really better than new.

" You're so fast, it would be impossible for me to do that in three hours ", exclaimed Kenny.

" Wow! That's so great, do that upgrade on mine too please", Max pleaded. Damn Max, how hard do you try to !make friends?

"Maybe", she replied and turned to face the sea. The sun was up and the sea glistened. The sandy white beaches were a delight to see but this girl makes the view ugly.  Ok, Maybe not? I noticed her nicely. My eyes couldn't take her off, her creamy skin, her purple brown locks. I turned behind to see that Kai was also staring at her. What's up with him?

Wow, OK she's not ugly but why does she hide her eyes? Who cares? Maybe I should thank her?

" Your welcome", she suddenly said. I must have had the weirdest expression on my face cause the next thing she said was" Don't be scared, I read minds".
"K...OK", I replied.

"I almost forgot! Boys listen up", she shouted while everyone moaned to get up," Exams are coming up and I want y'all to get good marks ".

" Whattt????", we all shouted.

"Whatever, yes", she replied.

No way, I can't do that. It's impossible!

When beyblade meets magic #its Back#Where stories live. Discover now