The secret

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Mysterious girl POV-------

"So that's the thing", he replied smiling. I could understand pretty well looking at his face that he didn't believe me. An idea popped into my mind.

"You've been stealing glances at those juicy red apples since you saw them. Want some?", I asked standing up and brushing off the dust from my jeans.

" Yeah kinda, but it's a public park. I don't think we should do that", he replied still looking at the fruits. Oh yeah, it's not really.

"You're so boring. Race you to the top", I took off my sneakers and scrambled up the tree.

" Wait up", he kicked his crocs and followed after me.


"Wooh. Almost there"

"Yay! I win!! Yeah baby", I cried punching in the air the American catches up with me.

" Hey, it's unfair", shouted a huffing and puffing Max.

"Yeah, here catch", I threw a big shiny red apple and he caught it," BTW, now.....aah". My legs lost balance and I slipped off the branch I was sitting on.

"Coach!!", Max grabbed my arms but he fell over too. Leaves and apples collided with us and all I could think of was how to use magic without him knowing. I know how!

" Aah!!" We shouted as the ground came closer. Why is gravity so stupid?

"Ouch, wait that wasn't that hard", he said rubbing his nose. Of course it wasn't hard, I made the ground soft you dummy.

" Mind if?", he asked blushing slightly after a few seconds. Oh yeah and I fell right on top of him. So embarrassing!

"Sorry Maxie ", I tried to get off of him but accidentally kicked.......

" Owww", he winced in pain rolling over as if he got electrocuted,"My...aah....balls.......Owww... are dying".

"I'm so damn sorry!", but I burst into laughter looking at his reaction. He gave me a weird look still rolling on the grass," That's cruel of you to laugh at me at a moment like this ".

"You actually looked funny", I replied as he finally sat up still looking angry.

" You actually look pretty when you laugh", he said, his anger replenishing. He scooted closer to me and put his arms around my shoulders. I didn't mind that at all, this close I could even smell his scent. He smelled of Axe deo and... Mustard?

"Don't flatter me. The Sun's almost down. You better get going". I called for Luna and she came running to me.

"Weird, I don't feel pain at all. It doesn't even seem we fell from such a great height ", he said pressing his hands and back. I rolled my eyes. Make him feel pain

"Ooo, my back. It does hurt", he chuckled. Ridiculous!

" Here", I handed Luna to him"Kai must be worried".

"How do you know she's Kai's?", he asked confused but took Luna anyway.

" Her name and Kai's name is on her collar", I lied pointing him the details on her collar. No one should know about the conversations between me and Kai.

"Oh, okay"

We both fell quiet. It was such an awkward situation and I knew Max wasn't feeling so well.

"So um, I should go", he said breaking the silence. Luna meowed loudly. She's hungry.

" Yeah, Do you believe me now?", I asked hoping he would understand what I meant. He towered over me and answered, " Yes, I understand. You really aren't so moody all the time. You're a fun loving tomboy, a foodie and etc etc and I promise, this is between us. I assure you, but I suggest, please be yourself. We're friends right?".

"No,we're not. This is the first and last time you see me like this", I answered brashly.

" You don't have to do this, the blade breakers are fun. They'll love you so much ", he shouted grabbing my arms.

" Please understand, I... I have a reason. Please forget about this. Remember I trusted you, don't break that trust or I'll kill you", I tried to reach out for the gun in my pocket but thought again. This is...I can't threaten him. I'm definitely losing my marbles.

"I won't force you, then. Bye", he half whispered and relaxed his hands off me. Clearly he looked unhappy. He turned to leave but I ran up to him.

" Hey". He turned to face me.

I hugged him and whispered ," I'm sorry but thanks, it's been an interesting evening. Most of the times I'm just bored ".

"Why are you sorry? No need to thank me, I did nothing", he replied caressing my face with his free hand. On his other hand, Luna looked angry but I tickled her anyway.

We stood like that for a minute and finally I broke away. The sun had set and the moon gleamed. Wow, pretty, even though there aren't any stars.

" Meoww!",Luna shrieked getting impatient.

" It's a pretty full moon, I'll be going. Bye", he declared


It is a pretty full moon.

Ray's POV---------

"Thanks Max, a lot ", Our captain took a little kitty from Max's hands. He looked happy and concerned at the same time.

" No prob!", the Blondie replied scratching his head.

"Ooh, it's getting late. See you guys tomorrow at the BBA headquarters", Salima and Kane waved and turned to go.

" Maybe we won't be there? Will we?", Tyson asked Kai who was hugging his lost and found kitten.

"I have no idea", he replied without even looking at us. Wow, he loves the Kittie like anything.

" Let's have dinner in my place", declared Max but Daichi wasn't looking so happy.

"No! I don't want anymore mustard in my noodles", he screamed and tried to run away but Hillary caught him.

" Where are you going? Eh? We are gonna have dinner at Max's, get it?", she ordered and the others laughed.

"Let's go, I won't give you mustard. I promise", Max reassured Daichi who still wasn't convinced. We walked towards Max's house and soon we reached there.

Time skip-------

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Time skip-------

Kai's POV-------

" I'm never ever taking you out again", I shouted at the naughty but frightened kitten. She was silent as if sulking and went to the corner of the room and sat down. Her eyes traced my every move.

"Okay, I won't be scary anymore ", I tried to calm down and placed a bowl of milk on front of her. She eyed it for a few seconds, then started gulping it up. So you, were really hungry?

I collapsed on the bed thinking about today. My back ached and all I could think of was sleep. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day. Goodnight, I miss you , I'll make it up to you.


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