Is everyone happy?

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Mariah's POV-------------

"I'm pregnant"



Laughs exploded from every part of the room rendering me speechless. The guys came out and I could see even Maria laughing.

What the?

"You should have seen the look on your face, Ray"

"It was like...... Oh my heavens!!"

"Sis, you are such a great trickster"

"Wait....", my heart was steadying itself,"Kevin.... You.. You guys are so dead!!!!!"
I chased after them and spout rubbish until they ran out of the room.

I returned to Maria who was still giggling.

"Don't trick me like that..... But, you're still hiding something. Aren't you? Are you in love with someone else or do you just think I'm not capable enough?", I got almost angry, sad, a waterfall of feelings showered me as her smile faded.

" That's not the thing.... I'm confused. Do you really love me at that red haired girl?", she replied fiddling with her pink hair.

Red haired? Oh...Salima? Hah...

"That's all? Hahaha, and I was so worried...", I lift her chin up and look into her neko eyes," There's only one cat in my playhouse.... And that's this pretty one with pink fur ". She smiled and finally I sighed a huge relief out.

And then both of us turned off at approximately 3:17 am...

Raven's POV-------------

" You can't bring these guys here! And that one is a devil! You'll be punished severely! Are you out of your freaking mind? "

"Mickey I'm not stupid, I'll teleport them but I need your help cuz"

"Cuz you're not so very good with spells when you're weak"

"Yea, yawn! Come out! I'm at the gate"

As the words left my mind, I glimpsed a tall young man in front of the car which ended our telepathic conversation. I smiled.

"Rest ye all and return to thee abode", we muttered and a portal opened sucking us all in. In a matter of milliseconds Michael and I reach my bedroom and I collapsed on the bed.

" Huh, aren't you gonna change? "

"Does it matter? Now take me to the land of nod!", I cried as he let out a short laugh and climbed on my bed.

" Wait a sec! I did get them to their doors right? Awake? ", I shouted with panic.

" Haha, you got em to their doors, they're awake and they thought you actually drove them home. Are the chosen one or not huh?", he said comforting me ,"You are still sick"

He put his hands on my head.

" Sleep my little entertainer"

Next day-----------

I cracked open an eyelid and expected to see the flashing Mike in front of me but what I saw..... Was way beyond my imagination...

"'am? ", I got up and look over at my dress. It's changed? Must've been Mike...

" Miss Raven..... Running away from your duties, skipping your training, using your powers when not necessarily needed, changing your form....... Turning up for that devil ", she sighed and elegantly lifted her body covered in the best fabric ever," You'll be punished severely human".

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