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Kai's POV--------

"Kai... Why did you do this?"

"I .. Am sorry.. I was told to..but in the middle I really fell for you"

"Everything..everything.. Is going to change.. Do you know how much I'll be punished? There will be war not just bloody but in all of our minds. Why Kai? Why? I trusted you. You demons are truly heartless"

"Please I .. I love you...."

"Kai,I can be heartless too... "


I woke up from my nightmare full of suspense. My head hurt as I recalled the incident from last night. I looked around, my room was quiet and everything was in the way it's supposed to be. The table was upright, there was no mysterious cat lady anywhere and nothing was broken.

Was it a really dream?

"Master, are you thinking about yesterday night? "


My mind went black as I turned back to see that same cat lady hiding behind the headboard of the bed. She came out of there and sat on the bed.

So everything was all real? Even that mystery conversation? No that's not real.

She was cute actually and reminded me of someone. Green eyes, black hair, pale skin.... Luna?

"Wooooow, I know you're all terrified but you don't look like. You're so good at hiding your emotions", she chuckled and laid down on the bed on her back.

She doesn't look dangerous.

" Who are you?", this question seemed to make her laugh more as she replied,"Master, uwu.. You couldn't have forgotten me"


"Who else??? Tee hee.. Do you know I saw you in every vulnerable moment since u got me and oh," she got closer to me and whispered in my ears,"Don't forget I also slept with you and saw you naked".

She's such a kid. Wait... Didn't Rae hurt her yesterday? What  were the noises? Who screamed? Argh!!! First let me reply this naughty kid in a naughty manner.

"Oh yea? ", I smirked, pushed her against the headboard and asked," So, shouldn't it be fair and square, Luna? "

"Wha.. What do you mean?", she stumbled on her words and at that moment Raven burst in the room.

" Oh please Kai.. Will you stop seducing people for a sec? ", she folded her arms and looked away irritated while Luna escaped from me and hid behind her.

" Technically she's my PET, I can do whatever I want with her. My kitty Right? My pussycat?  ", I got up from the bed and looked down at both the females, one looking frustrated and the other blushing.

" Yes master... But only for a short time, I like Miss Raven and Master Michael more ". She stuck out her tongue at me. Stupid..

Raven looked satisfied as she saw my super awkward face.

"Anyways ", my eyes reached Raven," I think you have a lot of explanation to do too". Raven didn't twitch at my comment but smiled in a weird manner.

"Luna,go get the maids to get Mike his breakfast, he wants strawberry croissants, luke warm dark coffee, waffles with pineapple cream and chocolate. And of course the usuals as well. Don't forget the mint ! ", Luna bowed and giggled away while I was amazed at Raven. She's really close to that guy, wow..

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