Happy Birthday 🎂🎂

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Kai's POV--------

"What are y..you t...talking about?", Tyson asked with a horrified expression.
" Hillary is a pretty girl, she's a tomboy and can also take care , she can be useful for me. I think soon I'll make her my ......."I was interrupted by Tyson. I knew I had to do this to get his secret out of his own mouth.
"OK Kai , you got me ", he sighed as if there was another secret not known to me. He started again," Listen Kai,I won't let you use Hillary for your own good because..... because, I...I.."
"Don't bother to tell me, I already know", I said as I hated hearing people mumbling like fools.
" If you do then please tell me you don't like her. You don't, do you? ",he asked avoiding eye contact.
I felt my blood boiling and my tongue ready to spit out dirty words but somehow I controlled my anger," Tyson, get out."
"What! Why? You didn't re......", he stopped as he saw my face full of anger,"Um..OK see you later?". But that boy ran away with out listening to my answer which was fine by me. I took out my diary and started scribbling," I will never like anyone beside her. No one can take her place in my heart, no one".

Max's POV--------------

"Hey Hillary? Is everything ready?", I asked impatiently," I just couldn't wait for it".
    "No Maxie, in fact nothing is ready! Seriously do you guys know how to get Kai there?", she asked or rather shouted.
   " I'm sure Tyson can handle that, can't you?", Ray asked hopefully.
   "Who knows? Maybe not", Tyson replied. I saw him staring at the ground and then back to frustrated Hillary and smile.
  " What the hell? None of you can be of  any use, especially Tyson"
I saw Tyson's expression change into a worried one as he started speaking, "Hey Hil, just chill. You guys manage everything at the hotel and all the guests, I'll take care of Kai. Kay?".
   "I sure do hope so Tyson or you won't  get any food", she said coolly.
  " No Hil, you can't do that to me!",he shouted.
"Here we go again."

Kai's POV-----------

"I don't know what this guys are up to but I sure don't care," I thought as I got dressed and left the house quietly. I had no idea where to go but it was as if my legs had their own mind and took me somewhere. Soon, I was at the beach. The long waves crashing with the rocks and a cool breeze blew. It was five, almost dark. I glimpsed the last bit of sunshine disappearing over the sea leaving it the shade of a deep blue. I  searched the sky for the moon and I found at, a full circle illuminating the sky but there were no signs of any stars.
    "A day without you is like a night without stars. I want to see the stars again as I didn't see them for 5 years but now my mind is made up," I said to myself as I sat on the rough sand, "I'll leave tomorrow to find you. I know it won't be easy but nothing is impossible for Kai. I will find you and then I'll forget my pride and...and...," I stopped as I heard footsteps and voices,"Who's there?, "
   "Kai! What're ya doing here, we were searching for you like maniacs. Its 6:30 were really late," shouted a familiar voice
   Chill! It's just Tyson ,no stranger to me.
"What is your problem? Why were you searching me and I don't wanna go ......" But it was too late. Tyson, Ray, Max and Hillary blindfolded me and took me to the car. I wonder why I didn't fight back.

Hillary's POV--------------

"Tyson! Where are you? Are you ready?", I shouted as I searched for the Dragoon wielder. I finally saw him sleeping on the couch in front of the TV snoring with peanut butter smeared across his face ,bits of chips of his shirt and Coke all over the place.Tyson, when will you change?
    "Wake up Tyson its time to go! Look at you! I should've known that all day you wouldn't do anything and waste your time. It's unacceptable." I shouted. Sure enough he woke up, fell down and hit his head. Serves him right.
   "Hill, you're back?," he smiled stupidly at me making me angrier.
    "Yeah dumbo, go get a clean shirt on, call Kai and let's leave. Its already 5 and stop smiling like a fool, it irritates me to the extent," I cried as I grabbed my bag and handed him a T-shirt.
   "Yeah yeah, is everyone there already? ", he asked calmly (shocking me) as he washed his face and took off his shirt. Man, even a lazy dude like him can have muscles. I am not lazy, why don't I have muscles? This is so unfair.
   " Hey?,"Tyson asked waving his hand across my face pulling me out of my thoughts, " You seemed to have been wiped out? Too much much work? ". He was so close to  me I could smell his clean  fragrance.
   " Nah, I don't tire out so easily. Besides, you weren't such a burden today except now. Oh! You won't believe it but everyone is there ",I replied trying to look away from his face.
   "I guess I wanna be your burden for a long time,". Just as he said that he cupped my face and I was trapped.  Our lips were just inches apart,"What do ya mean by that ? "I half whispered.
   "Must you really need to know?," he said as slipped his  arms around my waist. Totally trapped now.
  "Tyson what're you......," I was shut up by his soft lips against mine, my hands hung on to his hair while his were holding me straight. Pretty soon he pushed my lips apart with his tongue. He tastes of mint. I wanted to lie in his arms forever but I broke the kiss.
   "Tyson," I stopped to catch my breath,"I'm warning you, never do that again." Damn sure he wasn't expecting this.

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