Enjoying the party 🎉

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Yo, guys! Thanks soooooo much for reading the 4 chapters I published before.(bow)😇🤘🤘

Kai's POV-------------

"Why are you here?"
She didn't reply. She started walking towards me. The little kitten seemed to shrink away as she got closer. I took out my pocket knife, ready to strike.
"It's useless. I know how to use that better than you." She reached out for the kitten but it went off,"Stupid brat! You forgot me? Doesn't matter you're his now ". Her voice was so deep and devilish that it almost made me stumble. Stupid Kai, you have dealt with many evil people before. Are you afraid of a little girl? She turned to leave but i wasn't finished. I jumped at her holding her arms but she dodged it easily and put me on my knees.
" You are useless against me, I'm stronger than you are. " She hit me on my head but not that hard. She released me as I gasped. I wasn't too strong on you little girl but now I just might.
"Why are you here? How do you do know ......".
"I only came here to see Luna, whether you took care of her or not", she said looking out of the window. She had the same mask on and a purplish robe with black at the ends along with a hood. Guess she doesn't talk much.
" Don't dare attack me again. You'll get your answers soon but for now,go enjoy your party", she said sitting down comfortably in the couch.
"Why in the world should I listen to you?", I asked looking away. I took a couple steps towards her as she smiled at the ground. She pulled my shirt collar and I didn't fight back.
" Just remember one thing",she whispered,her lips almost touching my ears,"You ain't the king of the world. This kindness, lasts only a while. Don't just deny it. And oh! I just found out your weakness." With that she released me and I staggered back. Her voice...those words, they are so chilly. Why does she have to be right?
"Go down and possibly enjoy if you must", she said or rather ordered in her spine-chilling voice. She grabbed the plate of cake and ate it up greedily. As if I cared. I wondered why was I so silent, not fighting, not caring at all. Besides I won't go. But why do I feel guilty? You ain't the king of the world.... Her words echoed in my mind. As soon as she finished eating,she seated herself on the ledger.
" Bye, my little Moon ", she said waving at Luna. Little Moon? Oh, the word Luna is related to Moon. What's the exact meaning? To my surprise Luna went and sat beside her. She patted her on the head and Luna seemed to enjoy it. For a second I thought I saw a smile form on her lips but it quickly disappeared.
" Luna means Moon ", she said. Wait, did she just read my mind?
" Your face reveals what you're thinking ", she replied answering the question that I never asked. She prepared to jump from the window. She's gonna jump?
" Wait! Are you crazy? How longer do I need to wait?", I asked impatiently still thinking if she really was gonna jump from the 4th floor.
"So soon, you'll regret it. But for now....enjoy", she said and jumped before I could react.
" Hey!",I quickly ran to the window and bend over to see.....nothing. She just vanished. Luna purred softly as if saying goodbye. I grabbed my headphones and blasted some music. I opened the closet and got what I wanted.

Hmm, I know what I must do whether it is liked or not.

Ray's POV-------------

"Happy birthday Kai, again", shouted everyone as he cut the cake that had a'17' candle on it. He smiled which was rare but I was just happy that he joined us.
" Hey Ray, got any idea what made ice prince over there change his mind", Mariah asked as she got closer. The pink haired neko seemed like a queen in my eyes. She had a short pink tight fitted dress with a fur coat.
"No, but since when did you get so stylish? It's a g..good change", I replied and saw her blush.
" Very funny Ray. Um..is my hair OK? I didn't get time to see myself in the mirror", she asked. Really?
"Mariah, lemme be your mirror and as your mirror, I say you're looking so beautiful that I'm afraid someone may steal you", I said as the color rushed to my cheeks.
" From whom? From whom will I get stolen?", she asked naughtily already knowing the answer.
"From...", I tried to reply but Kevin came to ruin the moment.
" Hey Ray? Aren't you gonna eat or enjoy or drink? Come on, don't be so boring ". He slipped and fell flat on his face.
"Oh get up. How come you fell like that", Mariah said as we helped him get up.
" Come on you two, let's go ", he stood up showing no signs of getting hurt. I stared at Mariah and she did the same.

I guess 'the confession' will have to wait.

Mariam's POV---------

I was busy eating apple pies and drinking. There was so much of food, I just couldn't stop.
" Hey Mariam, long time no see", a blonde American asked me. Wow! He's gotten so tall.
" Yeah, how'd ya doing? ", I asked looking at his clothes. He had a black suit on quite similar to mine except my shirt was blue and I had blue block heels.
" Great! Hey, you didn't pick a gown or something? ", he asked noticing my dress.
" Nah, too busy with work", I replied waving my hand. He sat on the chair beside me.
"You got some job? "
"Yeah,quite boring. You're so much taller than before. Any secrets?"
"Nope, none. So what's the job? At your age shouldn't you attend college?", he replied.
" It's part time. And yeah I go to college. But I'm only nineteen, still lots to do ", I said and got back to my drink.
" You drink? ", he asked as his blue eyes got wider.
" Yeah dumbo, I'm an adult. You're still a kid. But don't tell me you guys don't drink?", I asked as I poked his head.
He laughed ." Except me. Drinking is injurious to health. People below 21 years aren't allowed to drink", he imitated the people acting in those type of advertisements. I laughed, he looked hilarious. I glanced at my watch and was horrified. I'm late. Oh shit.
" Hey Max, I gotta get going", I said. Max frowned.
"It's only 9, why go so quickly?"
" Something came up. I also wanna study though it was never my destiny", I sighed.
"Kay, see ya"he replied sadly.

I hope so Max.

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