A gift

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Tyson's POV--------

Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! What did I do? Aargh!! Why am I so fast forward. Why in the world did I do something like that? She won't even talk to me now. I looked over at her, she was sitting calmly pretending nothing happened. But I couldn't stop and wait to say anything, I had to call Kai. I went upstairs, knocked at his door and shouted for almost ten minutes. Kai was not there.
"Hillary! Hillary! Kai isn't here, we're in trouble", I shouted for her to see her shocked face. I could tell she was counting till ten with her hands on her red face.
" Tyson, weren't you here the whole time? You couldn't even watch over a person. Why are you so useless? Aargh, how I wanna kill you right now ,"she tried to calm down and finally succeeded.
"Call Ray and Max, we'll have to find him", she said as she took out her phone,"One more thing", I saw her smile slyly,"I'll drive".
This won't be so good.

Ray's POV-----------

"Maxie let's go, we got a job to do ", I cried as I ran towards the car parked outside the hotel.
"Yeah coming ! Let go of me Daichi, you can't come with us,"The blonde American struggled against the little red guy holding on to his legs.
"Nowhere will ya go without me. Take me with y'all", the red head cried.
"Not now Daichi we're ......", he was interrupted by Hillary.
" Daichi! Leave! Now!,"she ordered in a scary tone which made the angry Daichi leave Max and go back into the hotel, mumbling rubbish.
"Um ... Hillary you're driving?,"I asked as I  got my seat belt on.
" Any problem? ", she asked looking back at me with her furious eyes.
" Nah, Hillary you're driving is aw...", Max tried to reply but she cut him in.
"Whatever, do you guys know where Kai usually hangs out?", she asked. I and Max nodded a no.
"Away from the city most probably", Tyson replied.
" Then let's go," said the brown haired girl as she turned the wheels of the car.
Get ready for the race Ray.

Max's POV--------------

Hillary's driving does make me sick. No one drives faster then her. I'm glad we didn't get caught by the police, she doesn't even have a license. But still I am relieved we found Kai. I thought as I gazed at the night sky.
"Don't you guys feel like kidnapers? I mean we didn't have to give him sleeping pills", Ray asked not looking so comfortable.
" It's fine Ray. You know Kai. Its a miracle we were able to kidnap him. He'll be fine, I think he'll wake up after 10 more minutes or something. Looks like I gotta drive faster,"she teased. All of us groaned in despair while she laughed.
"Hillary, go a bit slow now or I think I will throw up any time now😰", I said making her frown. She started talking nonsense again and we followed the chitchat except the one person in the back seat. He was quiet and his dark brown eyes seemed to search something.
"Tyson, what's up bro? You ain't talking? That's weird", I finally asked.
" Oh! It's nothing Maxie,just ......",he stopped.
"Just what?", I asked. He isn't so good at lying.
" Nothing Max, nothing I swear", he replied convincingly.
"Yeah Tyson I believe you. Hey Hil...."
"Ray, don't call me that. Please", she half whispered.
"Kay", he replied briefly hiding his disappointment. Looks like only Tyson can call her Hil. The ride back then became quieter as Hillary barely said a word while Tyson sat still like a statue.

Oh! Tyson what is going on in that thick head of yours...

Kai's POV----------------------

" Where in the world am I?",I said to myself as I got up and saw myself sitting in a lavish couch. Everything was dark and I couldn't see a thing. Last I remembered, wasn't I kidnapped by the worthless blue headed boy? What is he up to?
"Happy birthday Kai!!!," cried a group of people and the lights flashed on. I jumped in surprise. What the hell? Wait, why are there so many people?
"Hey Kai, happy birthday bro. You looked shocked", said Tyson as put his arms around my shoulder," Look , everyone's here to see ya. So why don't you......."
I shrugged off his hands and glanced at my phone. Indeed, it's the 2nd of August. I'm so happy I forgot my birthday. But I sure ain't gonna celebrate, like this!!
"Listen jerk! I appreciate whatever you did for me but I don't approve any of this. Things like these don't matter to me. So, leave me alone", I replied ," Enjoy the party ". I turned to walk away as I felt the glare of a crowd at the back of my neck.
" Hey! Are you crazy? It's your party, how the hell are we gonna enjoy without you?", Daichi screamed from a corner. Jerk! Everyone knew the consequences, everyone felt my uneasiness, everyone felt my anger. Seriously? A lull followed his words and no one  dared to speak.
"Hey Kai, room number 435, it's yours. We booked it for you", said Tala breaking the silence and throwing me the key," Accept that." I caught the key and mumbled a thanks.
"But...but Tala?", Mariah asked clearly not happy.
"Let him be", he replied winking at her.
I don't think they'll give up so easily. I left searching for the room and when I found it, I collapsed on the bed,sighing. The room had purple curtains and a big bed. There was a huge closet next to the bed which made me curious. The lights were turned off but the open window let the moonlight in which allowed me to see the things. For short, the room was ideal for me and made me feel comfy so I somehow dozed off.
Knock! Knock! Oh! Looks like I slept unintentionally. Doesn't matter, it's only been 10 minutes. I got off the bed and reached for the door only to face Tala.
" I really don't wanna.....",I said as he cut me off.
"Hey, I only came to give you this two parcels. They came a while ago. And ...um here's some cake and snacks. Thought ya might be hungry", said Tala as he handed me two boxes and a plate," There's dinner at the hall, come and get it whenever you want".
With that he left leaving me confused. Now what's this? I opened the bigger box and found a little fur ball half asleep with a bowl of cat food.
"And what brings you here kitty?", I said as the little black and white kitten meowed in response. It had pretty long white whiskers and soft paws. I picked her up, placed her on my lap and offered her a bowl of milk. She denied it and curled up in my lap.
"Looks like you're full. I won't force you then", I stroked her while she purred softly. I picked up the smaller box and opened it. There in a silk cloth lay my friend,who is very valuable to me.  Wait, what? I wasn't expecting you Dranzer. I picked the blade up and examined it. It's as good as new but looks like it's even better.
  " Did you miss me? I did",Dranzer asked me.
  "Of course, but I got a ton a questions to ask"
  "Sorry, but I won't tell you anything. Figure on your own ", Dranzer teased.
  "Whatever", I replied as I noticed a letter at the corner of the the box. I picked it up and saw it was addressed to me. It read-----------

To- Mr Hiwatari
I just remembered your bday is today. So, here's Dranzer and a little kitten whom I kinda detest. But the kitten's cute, and happy birthday.

" So ya got the little note?", someone said from outside the window. Before I could react a figure jumped in from the dark and sat on the window ledger. I couldn't see the face but I recognized the chilling voice.
  "Why are you here?", I asked.

Today, I will make you spill the beans.

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