Going... where? Oh yea Paris

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Kai's pov--------

"LA LA LA LA.... Yea...we drunk...we drunk..we drunk And hitting the road...we drunk... We drunk.... Come on sing with me!!!! Wooooopppp!!!!" Tyson was literally shouting making my ears bleed.



"You guys.... Don't you dare litter this limo!!", she shouted back at the 9 drunkards in my car. Stupid guys...

" Raeevin.... Is that you? Where had you gone coachie!! We missed you..... NOT!! And why'd you turn up in a party wearing an oversized suit? Hahah", Hillary mumbled and it seemed like the 387th time anyone mentioned her dress. Pfft! Little do they know, that it's mine.

"Can you keep quiet or imma gon..."

"Stop the car stop the car!!!! I want to see stars!!!", I cried as I saw stars in the sky just as we were driving up the hill. Stars... Which I hadn't seen since.... Forever...

" Ayee, starsss!!!! Camp here!!", shouted Ray with messy hair and which had more pink of Maria's in it then his black.

Within seconds, some sheets were spread out on the flat surface on the edge of the hill where we stopped at. I looked around to see everybody huddled in with their baes murmuring while Raven was there in the car , opened her door and sat on the side, legs touching the Mossy ground, swiping through her phone. I crept up behind her.

Aah.. Sigh

I put my palms on her eyes and she didn't even startle at it.
I whispered near her ear,"Don't you know stars are more prettier than your ..."

"Haha", she smiled," I sure know ".

I unblinded her and her eyes shot up in the sky making sure of every detail. I was behind her and it seemed as if she was leaning on me as I bought my chin near her neck. That fragrance hit me again, it was so.. Pleasing.
She tilted her head to tell me something and our heads collided. We both laughed out. And then again it was still, not the awkward type of silence but the comfortable type.

" So, how'd things go out with that girl?", she asked looking into my eyes or should I say, my soul.


Raven's look changed after she saw I didn't reply and she put her arms around my shoulders and we looked up at the sky together.

Just forget about that... Enjoy this moment..

"Actually, she's a bitch"

"Oah?", she glared at me and then burst into giggles making me notice something.

" When you don't want others to see your reaction, you laugh out right?", and again her expression changed but to a pleasurable one.

"Ayaaa, how'd u find out? Don't tell me you read minds as well", she yawned and closed her eyes and stretched her legs.

" I don't read minds... But I like reading you", I said and put my hand on her ice cold ones and squeezed it. She didn't make eye contact but she was smiling at the star-studded sky.

"Raven, I "..

"Kai, I "..

We set off a laugh together again and it seemed ages since I had enjoyed myself. Aren't we laughing too much? Our conversations aren't even that funny.

" You first ", she said motioning her hands for me to to start.

" Nah, ladies first", I reply back.

"No one's a Lady in this conversation", she pouted in her i-am-a-tomboy-but-i-can-win-u-in-a-split-second look.

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